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Everything posted by Lucky_n00b

  1. Yes, Indonesian residents only. We're trying to 'level-up' some Indonesian amateur overclocker by making this competition online(usually it is held live as an annual event) - sort of a 'warm-up' before they tackle bigger competition such as Rookie Rumble
  2. SouthAfrican is STRONG these days, Can't wait to see you guys in the finals :D Btw, I just noticed that from the 3 person qualified from class B, one is from AM region(steponz), one from EMEA region(dRweEz), and one from APAC(bboyjezz), so this year's Class B representatives is equally 'split' between those 3 region, nice one
  3. From what I asked around, he's just an actor. Probably just like everybody else in the x99 series advertising. From the marketing standpoint, this is understandable, although IMHO since extreme oc is a bit of a niche market, I would prefer a real overclocker doing the ads, it's a little bit more 'credible' than just hiring an actor out of nowhere
  4. Blink at -90C? how many volts you give to the 0.95v rail? 1.25V or 1.3V?
  5. So you guys don't use Epower to get that 2 Ghz++ core? that's a HELL of a STRONG Card mate! Keep pushin' it!
  6. Or as any marketing guy would put it: Project B..B.S
  7. To avoid the same mistakes, can you explain more about this man? I mean, tesselation can be disabled with the driver settings, and it is allowed here in hwbot. How can you disable tesselation 'inside the benchmark', and how is it different than the usual driver tweak? Thanks
  8. The scores of EMEA Qualifiers always leave me speechless everytime, you guys ROCKS! Keep Pushin' it ;)
  9. Superb efficiency mate! I'm amazed that you managed to get PSCs to run properly on that board
  10. This one perfectly describe me right now hahah
  11. Sounds like DC was the SandyBridge rev.2 ? Hahah Still have to wait until 4th week July, Indonesian Intel distributor is so slow...maaaaan I want to try binning some DCs, no matter how junk that was
  12. The variance of those cheap cpu is going to be crazy. I mean, from 20 4770K of same batch(L316B291), the best I got is 5Ghz @ 1.25V 2c/2t pi 1M, the worst is 4.6 @ 1.25V 2c/2t pi 1M. But from some G3258s, I found a 4.9Ghz @ 1.25v pi 1m (maxxed 6.2Ghz pi 32M LN2), but i also found the one who can't pass 4.5 Ghz pi 1M even with 1.3 V.(5.5Ghz max valids LN2) If the silicon quality of retail Pentium G3258 were the same as the ES I tested in TW, then yes we're going to need hundreds of them before we found a good one :D
  13. The air/water category is interesting. Can you elaborate the "verification link must display the CPU and GPU temperature. For air and water cooling the minimum temperature must be 30°C." part? Does it mean, temperature can be controlled with LN2 Pot/chilled waterblock as long as the temp doesn't reach below 30 C? Oh, and can ES CPU and ES GPU(e.g MSI GTX 780 Ti Lightning) be used? Thanks
  14. If they compete in the same class, then yes only 1 can go. Rule like this has been around for quite a long time, and it might meant to make the contestant more 'diverse' across countries. You can still make 2 Germans pass though, you can compete one in class A, one in Class B
  15. Question: Does this mean: 1) Maximum 2(two) person of same country qualified, one from class A, one from class B. or 2) Maximum one person of same country qualified for MOA, either from Class A or Class B.(And in this case of one person only, if there's 2 candidates,one from class A and one class B from one country, which one got qualified?) Thanks,
  16. Thanks Hideo-san, But believe me this CPU is far from 'crazy', it's an average CPU which maxxed out at 6.1Ghz 1M :D. The memory should be able to be pushed more, but now the CPU refused to do the same settings so I give up x_x
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