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Everything posted by Lucky_n00b

  1. OMG DAT CHIP :ws: :ws: Keep pushing that killer cpu man!
  2. *phew* It's Over! Congrats for Australia! Only 1st time doing it seriously and yet you guys still finish strong enough to get the 1st position with quite large margin on the scores - EPIC! Also congratulation for the other countries for the impressive submissions as well: Germany, US, France, and Belgium. It's been fun pushing it with you guys in this years' Country Cup, see you later in the next OC Competition ;) Keep pushing it!
  3. We're done. Totally epic fail CPU won't budge over 5.62Ghz :(, no matter what settings you pushed into it. Already submitted the 38039 which is our final score for stage 1, now awaiting all the other backup score See you guys later when it's over
  4. Oh Thank God. The LN2 is coming a bit late so I was worried. It's okay now, can sleep for today
  5. Ah, I see. Waiting for the HWBOT ruling on this matter then. Cheers bud
  6. I'm looking at the same thing, some of the submission on the cloud gate stage is removed I guess? *oh my, this is bad x_x*
  7. Excuse me, I received an information from one of my fellow overclockers in Indonesia (yudhiagust), that his submission has been reported. This is the report: And I did look at the 3DMark Cloud Gate benchmark rules on http://www.hwbot.org/news/9044_application_51_rules/ , and it indeed says that the benchmark version of 1.0.0 is not allowed to be used. So I would like to confirm, is the submission of my friends is going to be blocked because his use of version 1.0 of the benchmark? If that were the case, would our submission before these submission still counted on the average? (IIRC, we did submit some scores with v1.1 before, but a lower score though) Thanks, Cheers, Alva
  8. We're still benching. SO many problems
  9. Crazy work you've done bro! That 5400K + 6400K APU clock is awesome. Had you been able to squeeze more on the top end setup (Llano, Trinity and Richland), you guys would've won the stage. Respect man
  10. Whew..benching for 2 days in a row was very exhausting. Now can take a little rest and push for the last 4 stages with BIG points Keep pushing it guys Cheers,
  11. I feel ya bro, we're also tortured with this AM3 stage since we're only going 4 setup instead of 5. Hopefully we're not that far behind in terms of points x_x
  12. BOOM!! 400k++ with AMD setup! Awesome man!
  13. Aaaaaand finally the A85X-UP4 bit the dust(The APUs were intact though), Had to rebench some of the APUs with F2A85-V Pro. ... why now of all times
  14. Thanks a lot for the clarification Roman Cheers,
  15. No problem buddy, I'm just trying to make it clear I find it unbelievable myself when I saw a laptop running a DDR3-2400, that's why i made the video Cheers,
  16. Which one is it man? Did you mean one of my friends laptop cpu? If that's the one you doubt, there is a video i made during the score session, lemme check
  17. Notebook is still doable for pi round, but that Aquamark FX is really hard for us to complete. Until today no sign of another 2 athlon FX (FX-55 + FX-60) to complete that stage. Have been around to old pc stores, 2nd-hand market, and found only one FX-62 but not the others. There's one FX-60 on ebay but the buyer won't ship to Indonesia. Argh :(
  18. If that's a 5550 PCI with 128-bit memory controller then we're all screwed :p
  19. @ Leeghoofd & I.nfraR.ed: Dang, have to be careful with my UP4 then..thanks for the heads-up though
  20. Yeah man, I also don't get 6690D2 also by combining 6550D+6670, so I guess we can just put two GPU-Z tab for the clarification?
  21. Ahahah, will change it in a moment, my eyes must be very tired
  22. Is it allowed to run 3dm03 without systeminfo? My hybrid and integrated setup seems to have a problem starting the benchmark ("3DMark has stopped working"), but it was doing fine if the systeminfo was disabled. Thanks,
  23. Ian, please don't give Massman more weird and crazy idea :D * Dang, The FX Aquamark stage already giving me headaches now x_x *
  24. I've started benching using ASUS M6E only a while ago(for HOT), and lost both of my best CPU on XTU bench. (Pretty sure it was the benchmark that kills and not the board, since I Also kill one 4770K on MPOWER MAX) But i want to ask, Did that 'fully manual mode'(not the max vcore) kills cpu more easier during heavy bench? or that options have no effect?
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