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Everything posted by Lucky_n00b

  1. I looked across my submission, does this one eligible for WR points? http://hwbot.org/submission/2219590_lucky_n00b_3dmark11___performance_4x_geforce_gtx_580_21916_marks Thanks in advance,
  2. Thx mate Too bad it's the only A75 board me and my team have, so we had to make do with it
  3. It's still possible for Ryba and Chaos to bench together and submit the score afterwards, I don't see anything wrong with this. Well, for additional information, we from Indonesia also did team session together which takes place in our office. (although we had to share pots since we only have 2)
  4. Wow, 642 MPTs with only 4670Mhz, how's that possible bro? OS Tweak?
  5. It's not so bad mate, when some reviewers at our office decides that they will join the country cup, we found out that almost all of our CPU were ES. And that includes : - Clarkdale 655K, 540, 661 - i3-2100 And the only retail CPU left were E4400 ,E5300 , and a couple of AMD CPU (X2 245,250, 560 BE). Ah well, messing with some old hardware with some friends was fun anyway , so it's all good :D
  6. Correction to that mate, I think the 2nd CPU of my Indonesian friends can hit close to 5.9Ghz (5.88Ghz to be exact) and I guess They just noticed this after benching their 2nd CPU in the 2k1 benchmarks. (They had used the 2nd CPU in the Pi 32M stage, but can only hit 108Mhz BCLK with 1866Mhz divider) Too bad, we don't know the single Inspector 'tweak' that can boost the 2k1 score for GTX580 a lot (not until someone very kindly shows how's its done to me). This is their final submitted score for 2k1 : 1239xx And this is the score I tried to do after the 'tweak' was done, with the similar settings as before, after the competition had ended : 131171 (well, even if we did submitted the 131k, we still can't make up the loss points in 3d11) Honestly, we're a bit ashamed because we somehow got the best CPU for 2k1, but we still can't get the top result for 2k1 (T_T). It's our loss completely and we still need a LOT to learn from competition like this. Many thanks for all other overclockers who shows how things were supposed to be done. Very fierce competition , and Congrats to all the winner and all the Contestant Regards,
  7. Hi guys, Team JagatReview - Indonesia just arrived this evening, Me in the 1701, Coldest and IRIS in the room 1703. See you guys soon!
  8. IIRC, just plug off any electrical connection and take off the batteries for a while, that should bring back the BIOS to the original one(no LED blinking), hope that helps mate
  9. Perica FTW! *bow* Congrats for winning this one, your efforts really are great! Truly a well-deserved winning I might add :D See you in Taipei mate
  10. 3 Hours 30mins to go... Startin' to see the scoreboard is getting heated up :D * daym, cannot stop pressing F5 *
  11. I bow down to you bro.... I never think I'll saw wprime 110 x 50 on this competition(with MSI mainboard nonetheless) *bow*
  12. Wow, nice one mate!! The ticket is almost yours I guess ()b
  13. @ Massman : Pls add me to the "Other overclockers attending this event as press or audience"-list, I think I'll also be there to watch :D Will check if i can stay later for sightseeing, anybody got cheap&good hotel recommendation?
  14. It's over 11.00 UTC , so I guess you're in! Big Congrats for SICK results!!
  15. Ahahahah LOL :D Nice score though Jonas, Congrats! By the way, just noticed something funny here , the final result of me n my buddy Ekky seems to be exactly the same (1179.6) : http://hwbot.org/submission/2194825 http://hwbot.org/submission/2192759 So how's the judge's ruling, Do we both got the prize? :p ** kidding **
  16. I'm already at a loss of words on how to describe the AWESOMENESS of that crazy GPU Stop teasing us and show your SB setup already :p
  17. Nice Run Goddy!! Soo close to 12k! ( Nowadays everybody seems to be closing on 12k.....mannnnn it's scary )
  18. Aaaannd yet another WR is made - Congrats, Brother!! Really great benching effort from you, keep pushing!!
  19. While I yet still learning on how to get good scores for this benchmark, I think it's still quite interesting Voted #2, make new set of up-to-date rules ()b
  20. GREAT JOB pakde.. nyossssssssssssssss ()b
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