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Everything posted by Lucky_n00b

  1. Woah! Finally the last slot for MOA 2011 WorldWide is coming, good luck fellas! EDIT : You're right m8. How HWBOT supposed to validate if someone really uses 50x CPU Multi in this competition?
  2. Thanks guys Me and Ekky were just lucky yesterday, got a slightly better CPU than the rest of the participants. CPU Multi is limited to 50, and we got 105 Mhz BCLK with our CPU. Others were getting about 103-104Mhz. As for 3DMarkVantage, we can run the GTX550 Ti @ 1320 / 2450 Mhz. The 3rd benchmark was a funny one though, we were asked to run a video conversion in MediaShow Espresso using a pre-modified preset, and count the elapsed time as a result(everybody got a pretty similar score, and in fact, there's more than 1 team who got a same score). The Final scoreboard : http://www.jagatreview.com/ms/moa2011/score/scoreboard.php, As for the team member nickname, this is the list : http://jagatreview.com/ms/moa2011/voting.php See u guys in APAC Finals! :D
  3. Ahh c'mon trouff, In reality, you're looking for TwoForFREE, right? :D
  4. Finally, MOA 2011 Indonesia Live Qualifier site is announced http://www.jagatreview.com/ms/moa2011/ Hopefully can join this one if I have time ** why is it named Operation Jakarta, Operation TwoForForty seems more like it /insiderjokealert\ **
  5. Holy....The onboard IGP surely as strong as predicted! I need my GMA HD 3000 be run at 2200Mhz to get just P4030-P4050 on Vantage, and this Llano get more than that easily...very nice :D It's good for mITX light gaming rig i guess, looking forward to test one when it's available
  6. I really hope the judges from MSI Thailand do see the problem and consider it not valid. But then again, I still don't understand how that GPU booster works, some sort of speedhack?
  7. Nice! So MaxXx and DJSUB will come to Jakarta then?
  8. OMGWTFBBQ *faints* Someone pls give Nick a 5.9Ghz Sandy now!
  9. Great score indeed, those MSI Lightning is kickin' some serious clocks!!
  10. SUGOI !!! Now do some damage with that chip!
  11. EMEA Finals will be held in Istanbul, right? It's so nice, I wish someday Asia and European finals were held in the same place( I've never been in Europe, but I soo wanna go there, even only as spectator LOL :D ) Anyway, Back to the topic, I overheard some Info that MOA Asia (or Asia-pacific?) Final will be held in Jakarta,Indonesia, not sure what's the hardware and don;t know who's coming though... ( I do hope that Sandy Bridge isn't going to be used in our qualifier, unless they made special BIOS which limits the multiplier to 48 and use Pi 32M instead of Wprime32)
  12. Testing the MSI BIOS, it works! http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1580085 Thanks Pt1t !
  13. NICE!! Good to see yet another 1400Mhz Lightning !
  14. Nice Contest Massman, love the 99 Max and 2000 :D !! * Just asking, are you going to put 3DMark 99 Max and 3DMark 2000 ranking on the Bot as well? *
  15. Thanks bros , the setup was nothing special: - the switches I turned on was voltages(Vgpu,Vmem,Vpll switches), and the 2 XtremeCool Switches. OCP Unlocker and PWM Tuner doesn't seem to help. - Voltages via Afterburner was +375mV for the vGPU, +300mV for the mem, and +300mV on the PLL - Insulation using thick dielectric grease all around the card, with kneaded eraser covering only the GPU Chip on the back - 1800W hot air gun(set at medium, 1100W,450C) used to keep the VGA Backside warm at all time - Optimal Temperature for benching was -160C, somehow the VGA failed to run the vantage at -170C Thanks sir , I only use ArticCooling MX-2 paste since that one is the only one available at my place..will try to get OCZ Freeze later, but it's difficult to get that here
  16. Thanks, PJ Will try that on my next OC weekend meeting :D
  17. Arigatou ne Gyrock-san Thanks m8, btw I never tested the 1.3b6, just got the 1.3b8 right out of the box.. Thanks for the kind word fellas, but I guess this score proves that I'm still a n00b, since this was the very same card that me & my teammate bench'd at the MOA Final (in which we only got 1256Mhz at the event ). I still got a long way to go to make my way as a 3D Bencher , but I think this would be a good start 2k3 Coming soon! :D
  18. Ah yes, It's ONLY 70 pts difference :D Time for bed as well, good luck for your interview bro
  19. Nice mod u did there mate Ryba's score just in, a really nice 1275Mhz GPU Core ()b Waiting for other hawks...
  20. Whew...there is my final score, got that lucky run with that last 4L of LN2 Thanks to everyone who participate, it's been fun to bench with you guys, especially Jonas with the phenomenal Cyclone (only differs 15Mhz from my Hawk), nice work and effort, dude d()b Now waiting for others to submit their score....
  21. LOL @ Massman () I guess during the last 30 mins of the competition, we'll see many people submitting score more than 26k, with GPU Clock waaaaaay more than 1200Mhz :D There's still 4L of LN2 left, will try what I can do with that..
  22. Moving the dip switches did nothing to improve my overclocking Well, the xtremecool switch did lower the cold bug from -65 to about -90, but with cold slow kicking in at -75, it's not helping at all. The Cold Slow issue remained in the BIOS I think, will need someone close with nVIDIA to take out the 2D Slow mode out of this card, and after that maybe we'll see some improvement at lower temperature. Managed to get the Card to 1.33V to do a final bench session, hopefully everything went right on this one :)
  23. Whew...finally can get one score after wasting 15L on LN2, still wondering why my GT2 is so bad for 1.2Ghz GPU Core....also I got cold slow kicking in at about -75C, and probably need to do vgpu hardmod to see whether more than +200mV will give good scaling to the GPU.. Will do one more bench session tommorow
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