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Everything posted by websmile

  1. System info 5,5 or newer mandatory, 4,25 is years old and bugs, please check rules
  2. Massman left hwbot at the end of last year... please contact or tag richba5tard
  3. Nevermind, I will make a thread soon so the kit will go for sale there
  4. The problem is comparability of results long term in a database that hwbot once was designed to be. Do you know what would be the best solution for this GPUPI problem without phasing out old results or having two benchmarks that compute the same problem? If Mat would add new features to 3.3 like he plans anyway so that users have a new benchmark and he can go on on his path to perfection. Iirc it was said that plan was to add maybe avx anyway = do this and you do not have to put 33000 submissions to garbage people invested time in and power plus you have a new, better coded benchmark that also covers new instructions and fulfills the need of people (not only hwbot, but also testers, reviewers and so on) for a new perfect measuring program
  5. The main difference is that with old or new xtu a 2600k scores the samebecause these instructions are not in the cpu, at haswell should be same, marginal difference of course can happen. As said I appreciate the work Matthias does and also the dedication to perfection, but we have 33k subs for gpupi that are worth zero in every aspect, not only points but also comparability over cpu or vga generations, if 3.3 is introduced and subs are integratted in the same ranking like 3.2 and older. If we (hwbot, which I am no part of staff anymore but still look around sometimes) do a introduce 3.3 as seperate ranking we will have eight benchmarks that measure more or less the same despite the improvement that comes with 3.3. Freezing points for 3.2 and older and introducing 3.3 is also no option as I explained, you would have to abolish globals and wr points immediately plus you cannot keep frozen points alive if you see that newcomers or guys that start to bench again have no option to get points for 3.2 as sub is closed. This would give a big advantage to guys who benched this is the past and kill fair play at ranking. So what is left to do? P..S. Moneywise i think this was never planned to benefit either hwbot nor Mat, it was a tribute to a true legend and an interesting project
  6. @jpmboyGood luck at enforcing this. When people say they want to preserve their work it is also globals (this is all about boints, seems no one cares for database integrity and comparability of results anymore), and you cannot give wr or global boints to an inactive retired benchmark. Point two, what about people who want even chances and get 3,2 and before points as well? If you cannot submit anymore to a benchmark you give longer active benchers a card blanche that others might never be able to make up for. Ergo, you need to retire it completely and strip points if you freeze points sooner or later...
  7. Yes, this was watched. If you do not know the reason for this, maybe simply ask and someone explains you that this is caused by new instructions implemented from skylake on and then also on Coffeelake, knowledge is always better than conspiiracy theory
  8. Agreed on rauf, what a miracle. You can't program a benchmark completely new plus change calculation speed and then a) put it against the old, differently coded benchmark at same ranking and b) let it go online without any decent test phase to find bugs and vulnerabilities. We had this in the past and it caused big trouble and if I think of realbench, without my and others testing plus a beta phase we would now have one of the most cheatable and unreliable benchmarks ever. Maybe it is time to learn from mistakes, we had this before and I do not think hwbot needs this again
  9. First of all there is no doubt 3.3 is a new benchmark because the speed of calculation changed drastically with the new coding. This means also that 3.3 normally can get no points for a while because it needs a beta test phase if submission is allowed to find vulnerabilties and problems. Maybe hwbot finally learns from big problems with x265 2.0, realbench, several xtu versions and so on, but I have doubts. It is simply madness to completely rewrite the code and make it submittable as same benchmark. I really estimate the work of Mat and idea of GPUPI 4 for exampple as new benchmark standalone appeals to me because you can never have enough good and safe benchmarks, but this needs to be tested longer before you use it for comps or points
  10. Closed
  11. This should work as amd offers igp drivers for 32 and 64 bit systems
  12. 3M03 is in theory the only legacy that scales more with gpu power than with cpu power, no matter what so called experts say. This might now become obsolete though due to several reasons...
  13. Justin_Wong spamming all over the place - those spambots are really getting more and more
  14. And now the final bump
  15. OK, I bought an rgb kit for daily use - because of this 240 shipped worldwide for the Corsair as final offer
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