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Everything posted by websmile

  1. Restrictions always refer to cpu used, so am2 cpu is mandatory
  2. Configuration problem, now it should work
  3. @Sunset - three days ago someone asked a simple question and it was cleared, by doing this as well you could have avoided not only purchase but also discussion. This is the main point I refer to and you can´t deny this. Same I cannot and will not deny that the description is unclear, nontheless it makes no sense when you see stuff like this and buy items despite the fact you do not know if they can be used. P.S. We had a configuration error at the rules, can someone confirm that the downloads for background are now on again and work?
  4. Skip the detection on gpupi and disable sysinfo on am3 and upload to hwbot and then add to team cup. Best I can advise at the moment P.S. and please clear cache and cookies on your browser, this can sometimes cause this problem as well. I checked your gpupi result and I can upload it without problem
  5. Send the bill to massman or blame yourself for not asking - the stage was designed from the start for ddr1-4 in the original concept and the fact people always search loopholes and don´t ask because they are afraid to lose the loophole advantage is common but also has sometimes the consequence people fail... I asked several times for clarification before the start but well... P.S. which initial post do you mean? This one that states ddr1-4 a couple of days ago? http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=490626&postcount=6 As said, ask Pieter, all I can do is make clean concepts, ask for fixes if I see something is not explicit enough, but I cannot run after it 24/7 when I have 1k results at challengers i have to check and other stuff to do
  6. No, we do not accept unreleased hardware (start date) at the competition. On retail mainboards I see no big problem though, we cannot check this anyway when we see the facts.
  7. Moderated, I handled this generously as long as I saw the spirit of the comp ( temperature at clear plus and decent delta) being respected, monitoring is not 100% precise on Ryzen anyway atm. Thanks for the good participation and grats to the winners
  8. ddr1-4, fb dimm is ddr2 and rdram is different technology
  9. We have a stage which is maximum memory clock for ddr1-4, the stage I talk about is misc sc4 stage 1, which states maxmem rb 2011-3
  10. After division results brought final proof of maxxmem being non reliable and not acceptable anymore for competetive benching we do not need another test. We will repace the benchmark on monday. Benching this stage atm no need
  11. Page 1 of this thread and also at news thread about team cup
  12. http://hwbotnews.s3.amazonaws.com/Competitions/1889_GigabyteBeatTheHeat/1920x1080.jpg Official background, will be added to the competition pages monday
  13. OK, here is the link to the wallpaper - we will add it to the contest later http://hwbotnews.s3.amazonaws.com/Competitions/1889_GigabyteBeatTheHeat/1920x1080.jpg
  14. Yes, you can as these are allowed as exception for the team cup
  15. https://d1964r093mwb8w.cloudfront.net/Competitions/1971-1974_TeamCup2017/TeamCup17-banner-1920x1080.png Here it is - don´t pull subs for tactical reasons, we do not want to have a game of unsportmanslike conduct
  16. If we needed a last proof that maxmem is eol and should be made pointless, here we go - not your fault, I did chose it on purpose to see if new bugs turn up apart from the 1000 we know already - and yes, it did turn up
  17. We wanted to allow opterons there as special service for 939, I think we do allow them indeed, On other stages no server cpus. 771 cpus are not allowed and memory is ddr1,ddr2,ddr3 and ddr4 one result each. If you want to use fb dimmsgood luck, normal mems will beat you by hundreds of mhz
  18. Same as on pro oc, I moderated and sent out report mails because of missing links - guys, please check the rules, time spy always needs a link for example, I will block all not fixed results I reported tomorrow latest
  19. OK, I checked this division and sent out reports to a lot of guys because they use win 10 and bwe or hswe and no fm link - thanks for the unneccesary work and you have until end of the day to add the futuremark link before I block the scores. If it is not possible to edit the score for you I will block as well because it is not my job to read the rules that are valid for5 years now... P.S. youcan reply to the report mail and add result and link if you can not fix it yourself - that´s all I can offer, if it works ok, if not gone
  20. This is a three month event which we already made a bit less voluminous than last team cup. I am well aware of the fact that the team cup always is a big challenge especially for smaller teams, but when we design it dominated by 1 result stages only, will this be a team cup in the end when one guy can cover it alone? We see this problem each year. We have one stage (latest gen 1151 cpu) with 5 results, and all others are max three apart from ddr race. It is not easy and I will start discussion about this but personally I am not happy with the idea to make this a single player campaign
  21. Please make sure your screenshot (the one that you save after benchmark with the file, it is included there) shows temperature monitoring tool with cpu temps
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