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Everything posted by Don_Dan

  1. Both are already gone now, Alby probably did it.
  2. Done. Your score wasn't blocked, just not receiving points. I've blocked it and recalculated the ranking.
  3. It needs to be edited from 4x to 1x CPU.
  4. Done. Done Done. It looks like you fixed it and salty checked it already. I've recalculated the ranking so you receive points now. Edit: My bad, now I can see it's a duplicate submission. Done.
  5. What exactly is your question? 3rd place receives 7 points, 5th place receives 5 points. I don't see anything wrong.
  6. I'm glad to hear it's working now.
  7. PC Games Hardware made a news post about the B650E Tachyon and the editor said the board was not planned to be for sale in Europe according to Gigabyte. Maybe one of the Giga-boys can say something regarding availability.
  8. Congratulations to Team USA for winning Country Cup 2022 and well done to Canada and France for the close finish.
  9. I've removed the score from the competition, but it's still valid for the regular rankings.
  10. Amazing score, what a time to be alive. ?
  11. The stage is configured for amount of processor cores, so bl4ckdot's 13600K (6P) is blocking your score.
  12. I've fixed the score and it is correctly ranked now.
  13. You have submitted the same score twice, that's a great way to confuse the engine. https://hwbot.org/submission/5104372_fatronix_3dmark___fire_strike_geforce_rtx_4090_60532_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/5104402_ I've edited the old score to one point less than the correct result. Can I delete it?
  14. Sure, sexy girls are also waiting for you in your neighbourhood.
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