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Everything posted by trodas

  1. nVidia GTX 750 Ti is represented by no image! http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_gtx_750_ti/ That have to be fixed, so there is the reference image: Not easy to find: http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/176785-nvidias-new-maxwell-powered-gtx-750-ti-is-hyper-efficient-quiet-a-serious-threat-to-amd/4 ...and I would prefer some nice custom designs, but at least that image will do it. Thanks!
  2. Still I have to bump this - wPrime and PiFast go immediatelly into the tables and stuff, but SuperPi 32M score submited hours before, that took hours to complete, is not updating by a long shot: http://hwbot.org/submission/2971047_ Not that it is any good, my WinXP is deadly slow (and optimizing makes that worse) and I did not managed to set TRP from 3 to 2 as need... not to mention use WinNT on P90 But at preliminary test it is not that bad, after all.
  3. /irony Cool, Win10 keep guys from competing - more computers with Win10 are desperately need! irony/ I'm very sorry for my bad joke. I cannot resist...! As for solution - it probably goes to sleep, as it come to conclusion, that it is just running in 2D, so then it not need any power, hence powesaving. I would try disable all powersavng features and change the GPU clocks for 2D too... if the drivers allow that. In old good times I can overclock my 6800 GT for 2D and 3D separately (tought only GPU, the memory clocks are same for 2D/3D) ... maybe you can do the same? For sure it is about powersaving. The question is only how to disable it... I did not have GTX 980, much lett Ti or even Ti KPE, so I can only give you general tips on what is wrong and I quess you probably know that already?
  4. Much nicer, thank you very much! That board is awesome in the hands of mighty Gradus!
  5. This legendary Asus TUSL2-C board have no image! http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/tusl2_c/ That have to be fixed...! Thanks! :battle:
  6. That is absolutely amaizing score for old SDRAMs...! Makes me wonder, what MaxxMem would say at such settings! Care to try? And witch rams are used? Kingston PC150 or something similar?
  7. Well, most free online hostings for pictures are notoriously unreliable. And not only that, they sometimes even cease to exist. I lost many times many pictures on hostings like slibe.com and others, when they cease to exist... And there could be even cases of deleted accounts. The ease of use is mostly guaranteed only to registred users, others are "left in the cold." Now when you upload some offensive pictures, then not only these, but your complete account get deleted. I encountered this many times myself, and I did not uploading porn on Photobucket, I did just upload pictures that seems to be highly offensive to some... Currently I use PostImg.org and if/when they go under (or bann my arse), most of pictures in my posts will be gone and I will have to replace them from my backups on other sites, like flickr, photobucket, imgur... For example imageshack.us get completely useless over time, rapidshare completely disappeared (good bye to links), Mega get siezed by FBI and later replaced by mega.co.nz ... etc. Links and pictures not saved on HWbot itself are not meant to stay. This is not HWbot fault, much less the posters fault. Just look at this thread, how empty it's start it now: http://www.hardwareheaven.com/community/threads/nsfw-you-laugh-you-lose.162444/ That is why. Every long thread suffer from this.
  8. Guys, I understand, that this is "slightly extreme", but maybe I can find someone who "was there before" and could give me some info, as to witch graphic card I should be using on Socket 7 (that means Pentium 1, no MMX) mainboard with PCI slots. For example GF 2 MX400 refuse to even post... I use S3 Trio64 (v1), yet the display is trashed a lot: The reason is simple - it is running at 3.57MHz PCI bus clock. And I'm not kidding. Asus TXP4-X mainboard use ICS 9169 PLL chip. That chip can be tricked to FSB clock reference / 2. Reference clock being 14.31818MHz, witch give 7.14MHz FSB. This is not that big problem for some CPU's (AMD K5 PR75 refuse to post, BTW), however the PCI clock is, in this case, reference / 4 = 3,579545MHz. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not: http://web.archive.org/web/20000919074447/http://www.icst.com/pdf/9169c-27.pdf So I would like to have a graphic card, that can work w/o the trashing of the display, as shown above, in 1024x768 resolution and at least 256 colors, so the background is "visible." It does work just fine in VGA mode, but WinXP have a support for S3 Trio64 build-in and enforce me to 800x600 with 16bit and that it is. No way to change resolution or even depth of the display (only v1 Trio64 + 1MB ram installed only). So, can someone suggest a graphic card, capable of showing nicer graphics at 3.57MHz PCI bus clock? I know that this is kinda extreme, but any help could come handy
  9. college short essay
  10. Oldschool Intel Pentium 100 have a ughly image! http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_1_100mhz/ Fix is need, so there is much nicer image, not perspectively distorted and visibly "used" & not cleaned CPU for it: Thanks! :celebration:
  11. Hoooray, thanks Christian! :celebration:
  12. My SuperPi 32M score (not optimized WinXP, just a test of stability) that I made 7 days ago: http://hwbot.org/submission/2962892_ ...is still not shown up there for the P90 times: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_1__90mhz/ What is wrong with the HWbot update speed? Is not that TOO long? Is there are bug somewhere?
  13. Legendary old AMD K5 PR75 have no image! http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/k5_pr75/ Fix is need, there is nice image for it: Thx! :celebration:
  14. My Asus TXP4-X have old Award bios. I use the Asus TX97-XE in it anyway, but both bioses cannot be opened using normal Modbin version that I use for all these Award bioses, claiming that "bios is not version 6.0": Now... witch version of Modbin is possible to use there? I need to look, if there can be unlocked TRP (precharge) settings to lower value that too slow 3... Because I don't know any MemSet equivalent that let me change the Intel 430TX ram settings Anyone can suggest application that can open this bios? Bios in question: http://www.mediafire.com/?fcxc145qnnwihr4
  15. trodas

    Hello all

    Attention whores is, I believe, the proper therm: But since Im not native english speaker, nor I recieved any formal education in english language, I could be wrong. Other native english speakers might correct me... But I did not believe that Kenny does this. He just feel that he should apologize... this is hardly attention whoring, IMHO.
  16. With underclocking it does not matter much, but while overckocking it could help to stop that calculation when the results are bogus Good work. Hopefully it is not much slower now?
  17. Submiting quality image and legendary Crucial Ballistix DDR2 1066 16FD5 rams for the image for DDR2 rams: It is nicer that the used image for DDR2 rams currently + it is a legendary ram, there are no sales of DDR2 rams now, so... could be, pretty please with suggar on top there a nice image? All except DDR2 are looking good now: http://hwbot.org/hardware/memory/ddr_sd_ram/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/memory/ddr2%20sdram/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/memory/ddr3%20sdram/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/memory/ddr4%20sdram/ ...and bumping for removal of these "sample images" to shave some time from the "year" figure now
  18. Rams from Jazzman recieved today, thanks, mate! The Crucial Ballistix are like new, perfect condition We see, how they will perform soon (no PSU to run any mainboard right now ) Thank you. I will test the AData soon too, we see if Hynix or TCCD Samsung are there, likely Hymix. So for the rest, I recommend Jazzman as seller ... After removing of the sticky stuff: Hard to find some more beautifull rams ...also is worth noting that they come with their original packages with s/n and everything... definitively a item from and for collector, so I will go on them gently, as my board cannot give out more that 2.05V anyway, heh Now it is a time for small testing
  19. Hoooray, thanks!
  20. trodas

    Hello all

    Well, there is always troubles with tits... ))
  21. windows versions
  22. trodas

    Hello all

    At least he can take a nice vacation. That cannot hurt...
  23. princip valky
  24. But I already uploaded much lower CPU clock score ( http://hwbot.org/submission/2965665_ ), so then it should tell me the next score to beat, as you said... right?
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