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Everything posted by SoF

  1. Like blurry mass?
  2. I'm an old timer...this free-space and non-winzipped design is confusing me
  3. SoF

    [FS] everything I own

    Not sure if I got this right but you quit over shitty X48 boards for 775 CPUs after all this time while G80 binning, CPU binning and a lot other stuff happened...the nail on the coffin was 4 REs dying...the only one who could hug you right now is stummerwinter I acutally hated the 775 + DDR3 times...damn I was fuming seeing my DDR2 builds with some GB boards went *poof* score-wise (not hw-wise...they were ROCKSTABLE) when I was just about getting somewhere...could make something out of IvyBridge (with a lot time + money) and then the "material war" kicked in HEAVILY AGAIN...ahhh well, I'm way beyond the point you are at now...age 35+ and two kids...overclocking ain't a good hobby at all then...better doing some tim taylor home building and alan titmarsch-stuff now All the best whatever you are going to do in the future, just leaving a virtual farewell here and saying it was an honor sharing many years of hobby with you and never forget the great times we had!
  4. I really need to get my 8700K running with XP and 01...then I'm finally home Happy 2020 to you guys as well!
  5. I love that 2 cascade setup pic - reminds me of benching with single stage on CPU (3770K probably) and cascade on G80s. Great work on that GPU, specially on the memory! Also 19k CPU score almost flat just gives that that result the final touch :)
  6. Breaking stuff @1.55Vcore not too shabby but looks like so many cores on so little space ain't liking vcore too much.
  7. I did some benching on Friday after seeing his results Don't have my cascade anymore so couldn't rush 6.2 GHZ right away...but maybe gonna get some DICE just to finally do the overall record
  8. Looks like somebody really wants an Ice Storm battle...well, well...challenge accepted!
  9. SoF

    Computex 2019

    Have fun sweating in Taipeh guys! ?
  10. Today finally did the mod and everything seems to be fine so far except I can't install the USB drivers after flashing 1801 Bios. Do I need to use any special driver? After doing the mods and booting with 6600K everything worked fine including USB drivers. Flashed 1801 and I have USB in Bios but not in Windows (7) anymore. Tried reinstalling chipset and USB drivers but no success. It installed the ASMedia USB Root Hub and ASMedia USB3.1 extensible Host Controller but the normal USB-Controll fails during installation. €: after some more reading looks like only the red port works under XP/win7...that's fine I have a splitter running anyway so now the fun can start. Was pretty straight forward modding, thanks @Alex@ro and @dsanke @dreamcat4 for instructions and bios! Can't wait for some quad-damage https://i.imgur.com/pjgnCvR.png
  11. Yes this is very typicall for Bloomfield. They almost all only scale up to around -80 to -100°C and are not working beyond this point. Also you will face a pretty low voltage range (mostly up to a max of 1.6, maybe 1.65Vcore) where they will scale. I think I have never seen a Bloomfield which really scaled past 1.7V. Bloomfield was a pretty boring CPU generation except for that one Gem 975X stummerwinter had...could outperform anything by 500 MHZ and was the only CPU back then doing 6 GHZ. But this was a huge exception, usually it was 5400-5500 MHZ even for really good chips.
  12. Installed a Windows 8.1 yesterday and did a quick AM3 (have done nothing to the OS for optimizing, just installed Windows, ME-Drivers and GPU drivers) and had around 3k points more compared to Win 7 at 5555 MHZ. It looks like Win 8.1 reacts to small improvements in uncore freq. or memory-settings way better - I manged to get 530k with 5650 MHZ and it scales with ~8000 points per 100 MHZ. Together with some more memory tweaking and uncore (~ 1000 points per 100MHZ) this is going towards the right direction. I noticed a pretty nice boost in 05 - having 70k now with 5550MHZ and a 980 Ti. That's roughly 2.5k more than before on Win7. Unfortunatly I fetched a cold and the LN2 session planned for next week is not going to happen maybe But I'm trying to recover quickly, maybe can still do it.
  13. Thanks hiwa! Good to see you're still around That's really good to know, so no additional tools for clock monitoring and stuff. That's pretty nice to know. I benched some stuff with 13-13 end of last week-end and the results / performance was noticable better compared to my former CL14 setting so this might not be the end of the flag pole in optimizing. I'm currently cloning my pretty nice working win 7 and afterwards will go for Win 8.1 installation...I have an image already but need to prepare a usb stick first (or burn a DVD the old school way...as long as it works ) Thanks for all the input, I'm still crawling and digging out of my hole I've been in the last years Btw: Also got me an IX Apex which I plan to mod - it's too tempting to play with 2 or 3 GPUs (specially 7990+7970 or 3x 580) like in the old days
  14. Thanks for the warm welcome back and your input. I am digging my way back but after 6 years afk/afxoc I need to re-learn some basics and it's good to get some feedback. W8 is an OS I really don't want to touch, yet it seems there is no way around for some benchmarks. I haven't stuck my head deeper into this real time clock / clock issue yet and honestly...don't want to But there seems no way around so maybe this is my task for the next week...any raw direction if this will be a 1%, 5% or whatever bump in scores from what I'm currently looking at?
  15. After some more hints from websmile I managed to get 1T running but the scores were not better compared to running a stable and less-voltage hungry 14-14-14-28-280 2T. I'm just aiming for "classic 3D" like AM3, UH DX9, 03, 05 and there seems to be no real benefit torturing the memory any further. In general don't get my latest comments wrong (I was way overtired friday), the Gene XI seems to be a great little board, but for some special needs it's missing some features and details like no XP support and some really strange stuff when pushing memory. I knew the missing 2nd PCI-E slot would prevent me from doing some stuff but now I really whish I would have put my money in an Apex. But for now the performance per clock looks okay: 558k AM3 @6060 MHZ 73K 05 @6060 MHZ 11k UH DX9 @ 6060 MHZ And not sure if this is in any way related but I couldn't run 6160, not talking 6250+ MHZ which was easy pz on my very first run with crappy memory (settings). Maybe I have raised some voltages which will cause more heat internally but raw-mhz wise that run on friday was a real pain in the ass. €: and for that XP stuff...there is one thing I really want to test but just can't find the time...ruling out people found a way around inputs and we all know about the usb drivers by now...it must be something with the sata controllers and/or ME drivers...
  16. Somehow I knew the Gene would screw me...Apex it is *throws money in the fire pit* €: no way to get 1T running - hell yeah I gave it 1.4V vccio/vccsa...same boot loop...not bothering with that pussy board anymore!
  17. Running singlestage right now (5950 550k+ AM3) and really want to get 1T running but it's one hell of a ride... Btw: anybody got XP booting on the Gene XI until now? Got "some stummi dude" who want's to meet with me in 2 weeks and he would love some 01
  18. 1.275V and tried up to 1.3V which makes the system more unstable. I had no luck running 1T yet (even down to 2020 MHZ memory)...the system will just go into a boot-loop and reboot into safe mode. I am pre-testing for AM3 currently and aim for max eff. there..I managed getting from 501k to over 517k tonight...
  19. @websmile Wasted 3-4 hours of testing but you saved my night...now I can sleep well AM3 @2222MHZ 32m@2222MHZ No issues anymore! Tomorrow is sub-timing day ?
  20. Haven't set maxmen yet - haven't read that it is that important for mem overclocking yet. A quick test showed I'm no longer having issues now with low TRFC and so on...damn I owe you something man €: okay when I get to boot, it looks stable but I just had a strange reboot where previous settings won't boot...must be this strange "training" stuff...need to work around that but windows-wise the maxmem was all it took...still can't boot 1T...but that's for the next days, had enough of that memory-crap for today. Thanks for helping me out with memory another time btw: It's a F4-4133C19D-16GTZA which was in your hands already
  21. Did anyone here had trouble reproducing results when testing memory? I'm having a very strange issue that my new b-dies (a1) won't be able to reproduce results which have just been fine in 32m. I could narrow it down to VTT DDR and RAM voltage. VTT DDR is VERY picky and it will only pass at 0.84375V (higher = instant crash or very unstable at least). RAM is also very unpredictable and needs to be adjusted between 1.74 and 1.75V a couple of times. All of a sudden everything seems to run nice and stable, then doing a reboot, setting the EXACT same voltages in BIOS or now after some testing, just a reboot -> completely unstable again. 32m passed AM3 passed pifast passed (btw pifast is a good indicator if there is a good setting or not) Flashed the newest 0050 bios but still the same (was 0805 before). When rebooting even 1m or pifast will crash almost instantly and I need to adjust voltages. Tried to disable most of the training stuff and checked MemTweakIt settings but all seem to be the same. It all comes down to adjusting voltages (vram, vttddr) within 1 or 2 ticks in turbovcore a couple of times and all of a sudden it seems to be stable again (at the same values as before). Once stable I can run all 3D Marks, 32m and everything...reboot -> start the struggle again. I'm out of ideas right now ^^ €: I might have one bogus stick...need to check this tomorrow...TRFC values are way to high, sometimes boot, sometimes need to be ~700 to be stable..god damn, I hate testing memory... €²: and it's not the cpu clock...5.5 is completely stable for everything at this point...tried with 5 gig and it's all the same. 100% memory issue.
  22. *inhales some good "N"* ...damn chemicals...
  23. Maybe the pre-populated field shows 7 GHZ on AiO It is either 5200MHZ (on the CPUz screen) on AiO or 7 GHZ on LN2 - it's just a bit confusing But hey 7 GHZ on watercooling - I buy that all day long ?
  24. Don't play your april's fool early - that ain't 7 gig AIO :p But a damn strong titan you got there! Nice benching daniel!
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