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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. Bravo Captain! Top10 aux premiers runs ça claque !!
  2. Some people should shut the f(L)uck up sometime, exhausting... ofc it's allowed on the bot pffff!! Great score Andre
  3. Eeky NoX

    Because I can

    Ivy Bridge really must hurry... Deeper and worser -__-
  4. That's how you know you benched too much ;)

  5. Eeky NoX

    Because I can

    Living in a T****N country ? And you thing you're the only one Check out!!
  6. Impressive run !! Very nice score and WR Vince ! ...and T!N of course
  7. Oh! Sorry. Yeah I love you too Alby !! You can see something else next to the mold heart, a couple of bernacles To return to the subject: What really goes on between those guys? Edit: we often need some more deep subjects like in this great thread...
  8. Rename it now and stick it
  9. Bwark! Old mens doing such stuffs should be immediatly banned... evenmore when things are confessed in public like that For his defense, I never gave any sample to M. Beier but he loves me anyway
  10. Pff! And me was expecting some pr0n here Where are pics or vidz? @Marc: stop singing plz, it starts to be cloudy here...
  11. Great! That's convincing about retails :woot:
  12. Woosh! 1.64 vNB for 400fsb right Frozen stick ok but which one is it mate? I need to give a shot too... but with SS on one CL6 stick this time. Only pushed 714 dual channel CL5 last seesion.
  13. Almost in whatever language you want CN FTW !!!
  14. OMG ...merki Chris!
  15. Bugged result !! Wrong devider!! 1/2?? wtf? Lol joking Honda you know it Great job with my beloved board. Which sticks you used and how much vDimm plz? D9gmh over 2.6v?
  16. A bit discriminating for the Americas qualifier No real surprise there though, when you see there only ONE CPU over 5.9 in each area (north/south ...Deux & Rbuass)
  17. Euh! Tant que j'y souix mon cher Christian Le net FW 3.5 pour faire tourner votre bouzin, t'as pas un link pour une full install en mode or co par hasard ? Cela me permettrait reprendre mon petit bench favori
  18. I don't have internet on my rigs... and even at home. Than no fw3.5 ---> I bypass Aquamark atmo thx
  19. Did you even waited to think about it before starting benching? Ofc you benched. Why didn't you get a hit with a soldering iron? Non sens... lame april fool thread
  20. One guy to click 'n set hw, another pooring LN² and the last one with a gun We'll need to be a dozen on each system one day...
  21. Remember the little extra card near a pinky keyboard @Cebit Chris ...Maybe? Yeah!!
  22. ...notwithstanding the efficiency Noway to compare imho
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