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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. OMG! Pin contacts look like schrapnels oO It made waar in Greece?
  2. Holly crapp!! ...for us 3rd in less than 3hours! Wish me luck!
  3. Baking Dino? Some eggs and butter, one bottle of Single M... and we arrive with Kenny Haha! Air conditionner should be good too plus dehumidifier?? Can't wait tomorrow prep my insulations!!
  4. Just because it's you my friend ...yeah! Who was pointing the same awefull bug just before? Hope there will be no incident
  5. That's it now, here we are. I'll give a shot (maybe) on cascade to see if mine CBs over -60°C. Thanks for sharing dudes
  6. OMG! You make me fear now! Cards and boards I don't mind but, one CPU gat something I could say "sentimental feelings" for it Preparing system, I checked quickly vCore in idle yesterday on GD65 Gaming: 1.50v set in bios = 1.48/1.488v cpu-z = 1.502 real... overvolting?
  7. Hye all, I start this new thread to regroup all infos we could have on MSI GTX 560Ti 448cores card. Mods, bioses, issues and so on... Feel free to post all you know or questions you have on this card. In advance, thank you. BR, EeKy
  8. Isn't it more focused on hw than bottles and cakes Kenny? True! Considering this is a specific card with lot of questions, it makes sens to get its own thread... If you don't (Tolsty or BassPlayer) I open it. "Feel free" to copy/paste your contents dudes. Thank you. Edit: DONE! Here it is: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=244626#post244626
  9. Shhhhh! Someone could hear ya ...another tricks in my basket hehe!
  10. Unfair... unfair... if the mod works for the GTX, even more if no CB on card, that's what is unfair imho. But you're the boss I respect that. So do I Loud, but my tm should be raging
  11. Yup plz Tolsty... I may post it in 9h.
  12. Hello we are tomorrow You test PJ? But we need you to share it
  13. Just change ihs and microcode ...or how to loose 100 bucks
  14. Looks like vid mod doesn't change nothing for us ...stuck @1,2v
  15. Lord have mercy ...all that stain for phase lol (speek for myself ofc)
  16. Yeah! yeah Bassplayer We've checked it yesterday and we're about to give a try tonite before "vmoding" approximatively ...but so tiny,looks painfull. Thx alot mate
  17. Why not in France? http://www.ldlc.com/fiche/PB00134874.html A team mate gat it but ram slots are dead, he needs to send it for RMA before
  18. So nice! Malay or Costa? Pretests of both mines stopped @1.53v... brown hands, but deeply dark ones Cya in semi final! (if no suicide of hw or myself lol)
  19. I could say near to the same: "...desperatly the twin backup cpu that clocks identical on air, should suck on cold too" finish me plz
  20. Bold this word bro Hope so for equality...
  21. True words I'll see/take a decision next saturday...
  22. We'll see if it can counterbalance... at once! About limitation, admit that it is lame, evenmore when you know your CPU is one of them
  23. We don't wanna know what you're doing with your hardware Hazzan... strange culture
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