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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. Not talking about this one!!! (you freakin troll )
  2. vMod attempt tonite: if it works, we'll be the kings of the hill lol ...if the card burns, I'll need to buy another one to my lil brother
  3. @Xtreme Addict: You have too much MSI products making bad advertise to them, you know. They will be kind with you when their hw become trustfull lol I' feel the same about puting a good chip in those boards Edit: We all know the mess it has been for ya back in the days, so much boards and CPUs for qualifiers....
  4. Blingy gold is for beggas GO PLATINIUM!!! (Corsair is aware...)
  5. Ahah! Yes always set tWCL 1 under Cas Zzolio. Good tip for slot Loud, it would save time. And great chip you have there (not my case unfortunatly...)
  6. Thx good luck to you too Loud ...and to all contestant for EMEA!! Sorry for the GTX. On our side, it works well but, we're very troubled with the card: no new drivers for OC, no vmod, no ABX, getting 1100+ for core will be total chance with old drivers and cold. Maybe better news tonight
  7. Seems nobody atmo... But ain't the main issue for the nv card... all 3xx forcewares stuck the card @999.8mhz -.- Though you have to choose for efficiency and low freq or old drivers for high one... (+ no datasheet for vmod and no support of ABX)
  8. Lol @Splave ^^ Good luck Zzolio @The Mutt: we'd like but not ready yet, hw just arrived yesterday...
  9. Even more when you see that video rofl! W&S... Wave 'n Splash!!
  10. Looks like we're 10 atmo (my tm an me 8+2) Good question btw FK. If 30: 15, 40: 20 but 10: 10 ?? It seems nobody's reacting about the comp... are we so few?
  11. I "don't like"? Better sayin I fear, but ain't the problem atmo... I'll digg tonite.
  12. Umh! Please could you post the coldslow modded bioses (if any, in a near future...) here quickly for MSI GTX 560Ti 448cores PEOC and MSI HD7790 Thanks
  13. RUSH HOUR! Prices please Smoke?
  14. Yup! uP1981A AGZxxx my pic is too blury to see next atmo... Seems some people look after it at yours before mate : https://www.google.com/search?q=datasheet+up1981A&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls={moz:distributionID}:{moz:locale}:{moz:official} Really sucks, cold slow+no data sheet+no ABX = card will keep on sleeping on the rig with SS improving a bit ...or not! (blows my head on!)
  15. Yup really does Angelo ...and now no data sheet available for Up1981 regulation chip of MSI GTX 560Ti 448c PeOC! F(L)uck that !!!!!
  16. Naked day BassPlayer, to busy to fix that today
  17. Wait until sunday mate You'll surely be surprised
  18. A bit off topic mate but, don't forget 50% of contestants will go to semi final Push hard and do your best!!
  19. Guess not! Look at the last screenies for 7790... Taking 1500mhz oO with tesselisation off imagine what...
  20. Lol so do I... prep this week end and firing next week! Seems 560Ti 448c gat no chance to outpass this card... pff! need to buy one now (...once again ^^)
  21. Can't wait to see how high this chip can scale (not a bit too late for MOA class B?)
  22. Lol I think I can compete with you know! Thanks for showing us you're human!! Hahaah! Just one more comment: If you try to compete for a 60GP ProCup, you should not go behind 6G!!
  23. Fishy! ...but no, sex matters alot ^^ (not in OC that's true)
  24. Oh! I see That's why thousand submissions have been reported today lol Sorry for you mate...
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