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Everything posted by Hilderman

  1. That would be awesome and much appreciated. Pm incoming
  2. My condolences on the 7700k and hope you are able to purchase another one just as good. I can relate as many of us are on a tight budget with regards to our love of benching but we push the bunny extraction out of them anyway. I'm looking forward to *attempting* to delid mine, as I think its a decent sample - (50/45 1.85 - 52/45 1.29 cb 15 ??) and learn how to use dry ice. Should be fun. I'll see you in Apprentice when you get there.
  3. No rush, we will be waiting for you.
  4. Come over from the dark side Luke. You will find peace
  5. Hello Fasttrack and other Apprentice peeps. Hope you don't mind me joining you guys. Glad to be aboard. Hilderman`s HWBOT Prime score: 7491.75 pps with a Core i7 7700K
  6. Just stumbled on this thread last night. Read all 14 pages and was reminded of the sour taste this whole ambient debate brought out in me last fall during the MSI Ambient contest. I spent way to much time at my keyboard trying to get the mods to clear away the grey area to no avail, and in the process forgot the pure enjoyment that benching had brought me in the past. The prizes were big $, based on my budget, but the grey area involved in ambient destroyed the enjoyment and brought out a side of me I didn't like. The result of that debacle was a ruined cpu and a very negative attitude, although I did win an MSI hat, keychain, notebook and an open bench table - (open bench table is great, thank you MSI). I haven't bothered to compete since, other than the Geekbench memory challenge, which was a lot of fun, and the Country Cup in Dec. Maybe I'm just a whiney, sore loser, and clearly need to eat a few more Snickers. Whatever the case, that was my experience. After reading this thread, I'd like to remove myself from the Enthusiast class and challenge any of my "class-mates" to move to Apprentice as well. Perhaps there should be a time limit of some sort to stay in Enthusiast. Anyways, Websmile, or Christian, what is the process to change to Apprentice, and can anyone recommend a budget friendly pot for purchase? It's time for me to learn about cold. Please excuse my lengthy post.
  7. Great job, you've got the non-k xtu mastered. Keep up the good work.
  8. Nicely done KIMANDSALLY, solid run
  9. As your president would say, " That's big league"
  10. Late to the party, but happy to have picked up this card to experiment with. Has an ASIC value of 83.1%. Thank you to Xtreme Addict, Elmor, and many others for this wealth of knowledge that you have passed on. I'm having errors attempting to flash to the ln2 bios you recommend (version 3 or 4) using nvflash latest version. LN2 pad is soldered/shorted. Can you pass on any thoughts or tips to what I may be doing wrong? Windows 10 64
  11. Wow, cant wait to find one on the store shelves. Looks fantastic
  12. Welcome to the club. I've done that many times, lol
  13. I think you listed your xtu score, single core mem score is 6315, no?
  14. Nicely done Jason. Those are great results from my viewpoint.
  15. Temp monitoring during the run makes sense. Utilization tab proves this with 100% load showing or is buggy?
  16. Where is the mob meeting? This is unacceptable behavior.... Seriously, massive Cheers
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