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Everything posted by Hilderman

  1. Impressive, Jason And that low vcore at 5200. Nice chip
  2. Thanks, my mocf seems to do all the heavy lifting, lol
  3. Thank you for reply, Websmile. Christian, can you weigh in on this please? I questioned this event earlier in this forum #26-#28. League was also changed during this event. Rules should be strict for big $ competitions, no?
  4. Makes sense what you're saying about hwinfo. Thanks for clarification. I thought you would be involved and/or aware with the removal of a sub from the comp you're moderating is why I asked you. I could ask Massman or Christian Ney, I just thought you all compared notes.
  5. Websmile, If a competitor is moved to the Apprentice league due to visible icewater/chiller use, do the rules not allow him/her to return to the Enthusiast league ALL within the time frame of the MSI Ambient comp? Can you clarify this? hwbotprime submit #3289400 to comp had ice bucket in screenshot and was allowed to be removed from comp, competitor was moved to Apprentice, and then returned to ambient comp. Also against stated rules from what I read. Can you clarify this as well? Also Websmile, Christian Ney stated for I3 sub, HWinfo should be in screen along with HWMonitor. ? Can you clarify this as this is missing from some subs
  6. Couldn't agree with your above post more. I tried to discuss this issue in forum weeks back but nothing seems followed. Lucky I have cold air here in Canada as well, and I think I still melted my 6320 trying to keep up Very nice xtu run by the way!
  7. I see, I guess that's why they tell us in the rules to plan and make our submissions carefully as we are not allowed to remove them. Gets serious when big $ prizes are awarded.
  8. Ok, so I'm still confused, (happens often, lol). No ice bucket as per mod? But Nik, your hwbotprime submit #3289400 to comp has ice bucket. Did something change in rules? Just want to be very clear on this
  9. awesome gallery thanks for sharing that
  10. Hi Mark, did you ever sell the 6700 and if not, what were you asking for it? Just curious
  11. So why the change now?
  12. Pm sent
  13. Points, tons of fun, and no hit to the wallet!! Snds like win, win, win.
  14. ok, so no ice bucket?
  15. you have pm for msi
  16. I fixed that last night. Should be correct now. Thanks for heads up
  17. So many amazing runs these past months, Strong Island. Impressive and inspiring at the same time. Keep up the awesome work !!
  18. congrats....on both accounts. Well done!!
  19. At least I can finally cut the lawn now. Neighbors will be pleased.
  20. Thanks Jason, you got me hooked on memory oc awhile back with your Tridentx and it's become addictive for me in a good way. (Although I've learned over consumption of ice cold beer and oc-esports are not a good mix for me, nuff said) Yes, tee hee, small amount of guilt sitting above Bassplayer due to his mem's, lol. Something just not right about that lol.
  21. Thank you, xxbassplayerxx was kind enough to sell them to me. 3000 c14 Bdie
  22. Rookie question guys for mocf How do I lock in the rtl's, as it's a grouping of two numbers. (58/50 for example) so what do I type in and where. Feel stupid asking, I feel a simple answer coming. Any help is appreciated, and thanks in advance.
  23. Hilderman

    [WTB] i7-6700k

    I thought it was funny George. I think the same thing every time I make a purchase. We're all friends here and you are a very skilled overclocker.
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