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Everything posted by Hilderman

  1. Yes, they are, to me anyway. Thank you very much. I appreciate your help getting these to me. Showed up packaged with care and booted straight into 2800 c9 tight. Haven't had any success getting up to 2900+, but haven't had much time to spend on them. Huge improvement already over my previous Tridentx
  2. sent paypal Thank you !
  3. Someone should be able to knock my 175 out with better. That was just a marker from day one.
  4. Thanks much to Christian and NVF for taking the needed time to clarify for many. If Christian has "seen it to believe it" and is satisfied that the setup qualifies for ambient comp, then end of subject for me. Hats off to Nvidia, as obviously I still have my training wheels on. Over and out.
  5. SOLD ITEMS Intel 4770K SOLD to playah at [H] Batch#: L310B492 Delidded and replaced with Coolaboratory Liquid Ultra, 5ghz 32M 4/8 @1.4v, think FIVR is borked so have to set 1.15v in BIOS for stock speeds to boot into Windows ASRock OCF Z97 motherboard SOLD to Hilderman Never cold, just bought, all accessories included. Intel 4790K SOLD to Samsarulz Delidded and replaced with Coolaboratory Liquid Ultra, lapped, no idea on batch, 5ghz 32M 4/8 @1.45v GSkill RipjawsX 2133 9-10-9 1.65v DDR3 (PSC) SOLD to Reefa_Madness at [H] Easy to do 32M 8-12-7 tWCL= 6 2666mhz @1.92v, could probably be tightened up but just plugged in PSC profile and ran Recieved ASRock OCF Z97, Shipped quickly, packaged with care and arrived in brand new condition. Would purchase from you again. Thanks much
  6. Interested in the asrock ocf. Are you saying that's a brand new board? I think you mentioned you had one for rma a while back.
  7. Sorry, not Jason's thread,
  8. Hi GtiJason, curious what your asking prices are for the Z97X-SOC-Force and the Z97 OC Formula?
  9. #8 still available?
  10. Christian, wondering if you are adjusting submissions that are missing the required utilization tab. Many in the top ten do not have.
  11. latest submission check Dec 13th top ten.... no utilization tab places 7th, 8th, 10th, 12th, Is this ok now?
  12. Sure seems to be many missing utilization tabs in the top 10 at least.
  13. Appreciate your input and comments Rasparthe. You are a very respected member of the community for good reason.
  14. Are you checking all stages again since last check prior to finalizing the results?
  15. Agree with you guys, why give out prizes, really nice prizes, when it seems clear the rules are being broken, and not enforced.
  16. Christian, do you check all submissions for proper screens today, as you did on Dec 1st, prior to finalizing to the competition? It seems many screens are missing the utilization tab which was cause for removal previously.
  17. No, the stated rule was 'min temp must be greater than 20c [in hardware monitor]' until a day or two ago and since hardware monitor won't read 20.1, to use your example, many of us have tossed bench runs that fell into the 20c range or lower to stay within Mr Ney's rules. Not a big deal at the end of the day for myself as I don't have the build at the moment to place high anyway. But in an effort to keep these competitions on as level a playing field as possible, I thought it was worth discussing and I'm having way to much fun to 'take my ball and go home' yet
  18. So competition starts Nov 6th and week or less ago rules were "temp had to be greater than 20c", which I've been working hard to stay over with my lowly 4790k. Now with a few days left "equal to 20c is ok"? lol, its tough enough competing against 6700k's without upgrading. At least have them run their bench again and stick to original rules cause guys [girls] who went to great effort to stay above 20c now need to redo benches to grind out a few more points.
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