new batch, good position at waffer, luck, this all aspects can be possible...We need Andre Yangs old good one chip. His FX hit "easily" over 8500 MHz, I believe for answer from him
I dont know, Im sad ...I increased activity in last weeks and looks it unnecessarily....I have some results ready with x1600xt for good points and I want next weeks working at new with HD6970+HD7950 and Mars II...But without added points?
Yesterday before
yesterdays new submissions
WTF, still the same points today?
PS: I think, it is not first time, but I checked it first time yesterday...
... sometimes is web funny. I wrote about this record at webforums and FB and clear here was "Christian Ney hit WR ":) Someone only saw my nick and now Im master Christian Ney
my points too, I think, it was not first time ...Tomorow I must have at least +11.5 points for today results. Think, some my submissions from last month are without points too
Heh, my idea is find the oldest active or inactive overclockers the world. I hope its not me :-D (only joke, know, Dinos is older at 100% :-)) ) So please tell me, how old are you or who is the oldest overclocker which u know.
Me - 31 year old
This is good impression, but for HWBOT points I say "NO". Only without point submission category (many people hard worked at points without this category in last years and now they cant lost points because exists Lucid Virtu MVP)