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Everything posted by FatBoyNotSoSlim

  1. Probably a simple one for you to narrow down/fix, but I just saw this one. When looking at rankings in complete mode, if a PSU is listed, it's called a disk. A clickable search to prove it: http://hwbot.org/benchmark/unigine_heaven_-_basic_preset/rankings?hardwareTypeId=videocard_1744#start=0#interval=20#cores=2#displayMode=complete A screenshot, because who doesn't love pictures!
  2. Hey GENiEBEN, loving version 2.55 with all it's built in features now. Can I request a hardcoded in custom save directory? Maybe another button to the left of save to desktop, that I can map from the settings page? Lately I've been saving directly to usb, so that I don't forget screens/validations when wiping drives.
  3. There's another thread, under the news section I think, and in that Massman has announced what's going on with the prizes. Here: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=94916
  4. Ramping up will commence next week. Currently in 'how the bunny do i overclock on this z77x-up7 motherboard' stage. EDIT: I'm 32nd place now, lol.
  5. Hey Massman, When are you going to do a big front page congratulatory post to Australia? I've found some images for you to use when you do: And my personal favourite: A fresh load of Australia sandbags ready for delivery.
  6. Congratulations back to Indonesia. 3rd place, and one hell of a strong showing in spi stage 8. Had me personally worried for the days after round 8 on what you'd have in store for the next round(s).
  7. Hey Massman, can I get a rename too? From fatboynotsoslim, to... FatBoyNotSoSlim? Hopefully that doesn't cause issues for the database, being the same name, but capitalised.
  8. Hold up a moment. Is that a dedicated VRM pot on that back of the card? If so, very niiiiiiiice.
  9. Thanks! Now I've got some placeholder submits in, time to find some time to actually give this a go.
  10. ...That's actually a very good point. Without knowing what your competition is doing, you're still going to sandbag, but without the intrinsic knowledge that you just beat another's score and upset them. Oooohhh bring on the mind games.
  11. 500+ posts in this thread, so my apologies if it was already brought up. Good to know that others have had the same thought then. A 'tickets' thing sounds pretty good. Award one every minute for a competition, divide by 1000 to get the points for that round kind of thing?
  12. I"m not sure if this idea has been floated before, but it might be worth looking into and developing if the coding can be done on HWbot's side. To prevent sandbagging, you want people to submit their best scores when they have them, right? Make others constantly improve, then you have to as well to fight of the other scores. What I'm thinking is a system where the points are only partially based on the final score, but also weighted to who had that score the longest? ie: If Germany has the top 3DMark 11 Performance Full Out score for the whole comp, and in the last minute, USA sandbags a better score, award Germany 99% of some arbitrary points, whilst still acknowledging that USA won. I envision it as teams constantly battling to hold onto the top spot (or places, since it should scale) and hold it for the longest. It would present a case to overclockers to submit better scores, to hold off the competition, whilst still allowing some sandbagging to instantly take back a top place, until one is out of top scores. Working out the split in total scores for winning and stage, and time leading a stage will have to be thought out by someone that's not me. Thoughts?
  13. Not another super close stage... :-/
  14. If not, new gpus for Christmas. If they are still alive, hopefully no one asks why I lubed them up with Vaseline... :lol:
  15. Any chance of that official wallpaper being released?
  16. JUUUNNNN..... Wait, liquid! Totally liquid dudes!!
  17. Link to the official comp wallpaper?
  18. Wait, so it opens Today (10th) and yet it started on the 6th? Someone copy/paste the dates wrong?
  19. Might I suggest some variations on the versions? A 'Core' package of all the applications that are worth points for 2D or 3D, and a 'Full' package of all the benchmarks, because there will always be someone that will bench a CPU or GPU for the golden cups.
  20. What version of the VC redistributable did you install? I had the same issue last night, and found that I needed the 2010 version (tried the 2008 one first) of vcredist for it to work. (Win7 64bit...)
  21. Maybe I should pay attention to it in the future... I'll submit something proper (under 8min...) tomorrow.
  22. Sir. I tried as hard as I could. Please do not junk my score unless you can do better. Good day to you sir!
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