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Everything posted by mortisboy

  1. Awesome score mate..killer cpu & skills
  2. Very nice Petri...congrats
  3. Wow mate...very strong result
  4. tried everything, also got out the two bios and went to a friend with same mobo, flashed successfully both bios, tested on his mobo and works great! Went home put it back to my mobo and i have the same issue as before so rma is the only way! Thanks all for helping
  5. man..you are on fire superb score, congrats!
  6. Hm...i left it about 5 hours to do a 100% update and is looping again with the same speed
  7. first i only flashed second bios, but when i switch to bios 1 as usual when you flash either bios1 or 2 it updates again the irog firmware, so yes i'm stacked with no working bios Thanks Michal, problem is my supplier doesn't have availability on RVIE
  8. i have a very strange problem I had bios 0018 on bios chip1 and bios 3602 on bios chip2. tried to flash bios chip2(3602) with 0020.CAP to test my 4960X bios flashed ok as also irog 1, but i rog2 is updating forever and never completes and is looping again and again. I flashbacked many bios.cap (R4E.CAP) with bios 1 or 2 but i get the same error everytime tries to update irog2 firmware, updating forever very slow also flashbacked to bios.rom with use of ERALL.ROM ...nothing again, i don't know what else to do! Any ideas guys?
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