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Everything posted by chencohen213

  1. how mach for 8700k
  2. I take all the card
  3. Hi you shipping to isresl
  4. Hi how many cost for shipping to isresl for z270 soc
  5. you send to isreal iwant to buy mb z170m oc furmola
  6. You send to isreal
  7. He 4890 club3d and 8800gtx
  8. chencohen213

    Z97 SOC

    i want to buy mb
  9. Asus top 5870 and gtx 8800
  10. How much for 580gtx and gtx 470
  11. chencohen213

    selling all oc

    how mach for all the card to send forr isreal
  12. You sell only cpu i3 6320
  13. I am sory how much for ln2 pot and i leaving is Israel
  14. Much for cpu pot ln2
  15. hi

    how i flash my card gtx 1080 strix o8g 11gbps

    my error is board id mismatch

    adapter board id: ed39

    firmware image board id ed06

  16. hi i dont to flash my card is gtx 1080 strix o8g 11gbps please how i flash my card
  17. How i flash my gtx 1080strix o8g 11gbps
  18. This is topical and some of this is with a shipment to Israel
  19. chencohen213

    Rampage 5 Extreme

    Yes but how mach for mb
  20. chencohen213

    Rampage 5 Extreme

    How mach
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