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ObscureParadox - Mobile Celeron 1.2Ghz @ 4021.8MHz - 4021.83 mhz CPU Frequency

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Well, it was wall ot my Celeron 1.2GHz. Today I did >350 MHz on P4C800 Dlx. Best vNB was around 1.82-1.87V, vCore best for this Northwood was 1.950-1.975 and CL2.5 of course :)http://valid.canardpc.com/gkelr9 vSB mod was needed. Raising vSB from 3.5V to around 3.75-3.9 gave me no USB freezes and more stability >340 MHz. Maybe it's time to do VTT mod (don't know if isn't it connected somewhere, eg. to vNB). Now I'm wondering how much "pct Intel OC" WRs are going to be done in comming month :D

Posted (edited)

Sam - have you any ideas about adding any new mods ? Whad mods have you used to Abit IC7 ? :) Just realized that P4 478 have no VTT voltage. It's more interesting, because of my AsRock 775i65G is just newer version of P4i65G with 775 socket (865G chipet). 775i65G was able to run with xeon E5205 which is wolfdale 6 MB. As far it did ~350 MHz with E2140 core LINK. It's very interesting because of 775 CPUs have VTT, and 478 heven't. Maybe something like GTLREF voltage should be modded (2/3*VCC)...




Just done ~350 MHz FSB with Dual Channel DDR1 (3:2) @ i875P (P4C800 dlx) at the same voltages. Seems like chipset wants to "better" conditions (LN2), no need to change my P4C800 to IC7 I think.

Edited by ludek
Sam - have you any ideas about adding any new mods ? Whad mods have you used to Abit IC7 ? :) Just realized that P4 478 have no VTT voltage. It's more interesting, because of my AsRock 775i65G is just newer version of P4i65G with 775 socket (865G chipet). 775i65G was able to run with xeon E5205 which is wolfdale 6 MB. As far it did ~350 MHz with E2140 core LINK. It's very interesting because of 775 CPUs have VTT, and 478 heven't. Maybe something like GTLREF voltage should be modded (2/3*VCC)...




Just done ~350 MHz FSB with Dual Channel DDR1 (3:2) @ i875P (P4C800 dlx) at the same voltages. Seems like chipset wants to "better" conditions (LN2), no need to change my P4C800 to IC7 I think.


Just so you know, I had no increase in FSB on LN2 over air ;)

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