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Y Crubsher submission


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You have to obtain the screenshot with the file, you added a discrete screenshot it seems so the result is seen as invalid imho because of missing screenshot


Edit - the problem is more simple, you cannot participate because you are apprentice league, the competition is for enthusiast, novice and rookie only - the guys that own you at cooling at other asus comp at the moment with 5,3ghz xtu and 1,6v realbench water :D

Edited by websmile
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If I understand the rule "Must use commercially / retail available components at the beginning of the competition (no server)." correctly I'm allowed to upload with a Xeon late in the competition??? I'm just curious, because the only 6 core with asus Board i have is my X5650...

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impossible to submit for the ROG OC SHOWDOWN 2016 - FORMULA SERIES ROUND 2 Y-Cruncher Pi-1b O.o


darkgregor`s Y-Cruncher - Pi-1b score: 1min 19sec 344ms with a Core i7 6700K


OK, what I overlooked but others saw... you have not taken the screenshot with the embedded screenshot tool of the benchmark, or at least you have no suzbmitted it as screenshot but as attachment like system picture. Because of this the submission does not mazch the competitions need for a valid screenshot and you can´t add it.

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Tasked the y cruncher problem, no idea what causes this, it worked before


No server hardware at all, the sentence refers to hardware has to be released before the competion starts or it is not eligible


Hardware ( Server ) if released before competition starts is allowed , is it soo ?

I mean can we use e5-16xx/26xx series either sandy/ivy/haswel/broadwel-ep ??


I can see a submission done on xeon X5670 series , is it allowed just to be sure.....

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OK, what I overlooked but others saw... you have not taken the screenshot with the embedded screenshot tool of the benchmark, or at least you have no suzbmitted it as screenshot but as attachment like system picture. Because of this the submission does not mazch the competitions need for a valid screenshot and you can´t add it.


I have a few nits about the current rules:


1. Requiring that the screenshot be from the submitter app is completely unenforceable. That screenshot is indistinguishable from a system screenshot via the PrintScreen key.


2. Requiring a screenshot of the submitter app doesn't add anything nor does it make it more secure. It's easily faked by screenshot tampering. And all the information that it provides is already contained in the validation file which is included in the submission metadata. Since it's part of the validation file, it's part of the hash so it's tamper-proof.


I'm not sure what in particular is interesting in the screenshot of the submitter. The program already enforces the platform clock. The score itself is handled automatically as part of the process. And if you have any doubts, just look at the metadata. The original validation file is hex-encoded in the metadata. So it can be extracted and re-validated.


I'm willing to PM you more details if you're interested. y-cruncher's validation system is actually a lot more complicated than it looks on the outside. And even if the submitter is completely compromised (someone reverse-engineers the validation code), it's still possible to distinguish real submissions from fake ones. So while there would still be a mess to clean up, at least it's technically possible to do so without making subjective judgement calls on whether something is legit or not.

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I have a few nits about the current rules:


1. Requiring that the screenshot be from the submitter app is completely unenforceable. That screenshot is indistinguishable from a system screenshot via the PrintScreen key.


2. Requiring a screenshot of the submitter app doesn't add anything nor does it make it more secure. It's easily faked by screenshot tampering. And all the information that it provides is already contained in the validation file which is included in the submission metadata. Since it's part of the validation file, it's part of the hash so it's tamper-proof.


I'm not sure what in particular is interesting in the screenshot of the submitter. The program already enforces the platform clock. The score itself is handled automatically as part of the process. And if you have any doubts, just look at the metadata. The original validation file is hex-encoded in the metadata. So it can be extracted and re-validated.


I'm willing to PM you more details if you're interested. y-cruncher's validation system is actually a lot more complicated than it looks on the outside. And even if the submitter is completely compromised (someone reverse-engineers the validation code), it's still possible to distinguish real submissions from fake ones. So while there would still be a mess to clean up, at least it's technically possible to do so without making subjective judgement calls on whether something is legit or not.


We cannot check hardware used at moderation atm... This makes things a bit hard for moderation and even harder for random results. The problem of this submission is not what you write, a screenshot is mandatory for the participation in the competition, and if you submit this screenshot under rig pictures instead of validation screenshot, you will not be able to particpate at the comp ;) - normal submission for ranking worked as you can see at the linked result. We are also discussing verification rules atm, the way screenshot is made and added causes some problems for temperature limited comps, we have controversy about this


Once again, no server hardware at all. The sentence about hardware having to be released at start of the competition refers to unreleased, new desktop stuff. You cannot use a 1080ti now for example even if you stole one at NV lab ;)

Edited by websmile
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We cannot check hardware used at moderation atm... This makes things a bit hard for moderation and even harder for random results. The problem of this submission is not what you write, a screenshot is mandatory for the participation in the competition, and if you submit this screenshot under rig pictures instead of validation screenshot, you will not be able to particpate at the comp ;) - normal submission for ranking worked as you can see at the linked result. We are also discussing verification rules atm, the way screenshot is made and added causes some problems for temperature limited comps, we have controversy about this


Once again, no server hardware at all. The sentence about hardware having to be released at start of the competition refers to unreleased, new desktop stuff. You cannot use a 1080ti now for example even if you stole one at NV lab ;)


Oh, I wasn't referring specifically to this competition, but the general submission rules for y-cruncher. A screenshot is still necessary to capture CPUz data. And even though screenshots have their known weaknesses, this is the best that can be done. But I was talking about the necessity of the including the submitter app window in the screenshot itself. (Which I'm arguing is useless since it doesn't provide any extra security and makes it impossible to submit from a machine that doesn't have Java installed.)

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