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Cleaning carage - Found something interesting..or not

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I was cleaning our carage last weekend and I was going to throw a box named "junk" to trash bin. I decided to check what was inside just to be sure.

There was multiple motherboards inside which were all dead or damaged. There was also this beauty inside.



Foxconn Dreadnought 790SLI


There is some nice memories attached to this board and I decided to give it a try.

Booted and working just like new! Cool!


Now I need to figure out what I will do with it :)


The board works like a charm. My pentium 4 661 hit 5Ghz at 1.44v and 5.4GHz at 1.5V.

I think that 790i chipset was showing it's best part when fsb went a bit over 300 :) Now I do remember why I throw some of these boards in to junk box.


Well.. this is a historical motherboard, cause so few was ever made. I will keep this as a trohpy or something.


It was still shamino who send these samples. Saaya came in when X58 was getting closer.


But I guess it would be best 790i ever made, if there would be Sascha's name on it :)

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