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z77-ud5 cold issues

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Good deal for you Reggie.


I had the same cold issues on a Maximus V Gene. Known good 3770K, but every chip I dropped in cold bugged at the same point and the board would act funny... Since it was covered in vaseline I didn't bother pursuing RMA, and just bought a second board. You are lucky!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest battlecryawesome

My ud3h was doing the same thing, I thought it was a bad insulation job so I redid it, and still would not bench for more than an hour with out shutting down , but it would turn on the next day well last time it would not turn on it just boot looped and would not load a bios just switched back n forth between bios with no post,

so i cleaned the LET off for 2 days and i couldn't get the little bits off here n there but RMA d it anyways.

bad idea they said With oxidation and physical damages cannot be repair or cover under warranty.


I guess it was nt exactly the same thing as your s Reg, I need a board for the Michigan Ln2 event so I bought a ud5h.

Edited by battlecryawesome
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  • 2 weeks later...

IDK i thought UD5H was one of the best boards I have used for subzero, and I have used the M5E and all the GB Z77 boards. It was easy to use if you know how to use it, and of course if you know how to insulate. I think perhaps the UD3Hs are a bit touchy, one I insulated without grease didn't take so well after a few sessions and had some of the issues you described k404, the other which I greased up all the way still acts fine. I also have an asrock Z77 OC forumla, I have not used that one yet, its sitting here in a box. I also have a Z77 FTW, however since eLeet is stuck at 1.52v in windows, there is no use in going subzero. There was also no BIOS which I found that had unlocked volts for it.


Otherwise all i do when I bench is set basic OC around 5ghz and high BCLK and 1.65vcore and memory multiplier, then i boot into windows and use GTL.


I would however say that my favorite for ln2 have been UD5H and UP5. I also found some of the OC BIOSes don't work well and give me more issues, I actually just use the normal BIOSes for LN2, like F8D for the UD5H, and I never used an LN2 BIOS with the UP5. That might be the difference. I also did have a UD3H be a dud like I said earlier, it could be that its design is such that perhaps if water gets in somewhere it is hard to get out.

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Guest Bullant
yea i think today was embargo date, looks like i can post up some preview ;)


Hey Sin, looking forward to you review as always of the UP7.Looks like a awesome board ,i also have a UD3 board and have to say its been great can bench full pot for hours and ram with no problems at all,no CB,CBB.This is at @109 blk,i only used vas for insulation but no vas in ram slots,as this could be the cause of alot of CB problems .Is a great board to start into LN2.

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Guest Bullant
I will be using Vaseline next time.


Yeah I found running 109 bclk when you have a crash at full pot it would just restart at full pot no problem,at lower bclk would cause CBB

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