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Everything posted by marco.is.not.80

  1. I just want everyone to know that for the sake of giving others a chance to shine I refused this invitational. It was a hard choice but after deep introspection I came to the conclusion that not everyone can be ranked 35th in the Extreme League but if there is a chance that one of you is ready to fulfill that role then damn it - I need to get out of the way. I believe in you! (and will have a lot of fun watching to see who wins since you all are incredible competitors) Marco PS: Although I risk having Mr. Scott calling me a homo I'm still gonna say "Go Splave!"
  2. I believe leaving it auto on the Apex means that it the AI overclocking system can do funky stuff to it, right? But the answer is no - I haven't tried that. I would think that forcing it 100 would acceptable... But you never know with BIOS quirks. I'll try it next time I'm in this situation.
  3. Bless you oh Capital L Double E Big freakin' G... BLESS YOU!
  4. This is so strange but XTU keeps reporting 5.22 even thought CPU-Z shows 5198 to 5200. Once it locks into thinking you have 5.22 even if I change the BCLK on the fly and lower it to 99.0 it stays at 5.22. WTF?!?! Anyone seen this problem? Which program will be trusted in the screenshot?!?
  5. I'll just submit one and if it disappears I'll assume the answer is no I shouldn't do that.
  6. also, based on what I just saw disappear - including my own submission is it also not a good idea to change CPU to "12900k (8P)" if disabling e-cores is better for us?
  7. It says max clock 5206. I set my multiplier to 52 and my clock gets detected at 5220 and even 5230. Does that mean I need to fuck with my bclk and adjust multiplier down because if it does maybe we could consider the variances for different motherboards/bioses out there next time? Also, if it turns out you really have to change your bclk instead of doing an easy 52x I assume the top two results are already considered invalid?
  8. I'm curious to know what kind of voltage is being used, too... I suspect it's not as much as I would presume it to be but it's hard to know since I see a lot of conflicting discussion on voltage and Hynix.
  9. mind blowing... 6800 mhz CPU @ 7500 mhz mem speed is cukoo for coco puffs.
  10. Thanks, P5ych0, I guess I'm just not sure if those optimizations from earlier test BIOSes made it into the latest production releases. I assume that for maximum memory performance one probably never ends up using what is on the ASUS site and sticks with what was custom tweaked for a specific memory type. I will check out 0022 - sounds like you answered my question ? Much appreciated! One thing is for sure - playing with DDR5 is super fun and quite shocking by how incredible it performs. I haven't had this much fun since early E and B die days ?
  11. Guys, I see you all are having great success with the Hynix memory and is it safe to assume that these beta BIOSes are mainly geared towards them? I've only got a pair of Samsung based DDR5 and they are doing 32-35-35-52-1T @ 6000 completely stable but I'm using the latest release BIOS from the Asus website. Are any of these newer released BIOSes being posted better suited for Samsung or should I just stick with what I'm on? I know these things can do better..
  12. This entry perfectly encapsulates your personality. Man... bang on.
  13. ah! Got it. I was using 4.4.4. Thanks, Capital L Double E small g!
  14. Trying to run Geekbench 4 through Benchmate 0.93 and after it is done with benchmark it offers no options for validation? 10900k. Any ideas?
  15. First off, suggesting that anyone uses a bot and contribute to the issue of scalping is unethical and disgusting. Even worse would be to actually go and purchase one from a scalper because then this competition simply becomes "pay to win" not to mention helping these scumbags make money. Even if you happened to get a retail version in a store somewhere in Switzerland that's great for you - that's not a story replicated in many other countries I can tell you that I'd like to see you go to the same store and pick up another one. You and I both know they've been out of stock ever since.
  16. KeepH8N: I'm specifically talking about the Challenger Division comp - I'm not sure where my post goes when I use the comment section inside the comp portal but if it ended up in the country cup forum apologies. I would just say that EVEN if by chance the 3090 was available when round 3 started for most of us those things are nothing more than vaporware and it would be sad to see it allowed when they are not available for purchase anywhere. That's my opinion. I can afford one but I certainly can't get one.
  17. Are we allowed to disable cores for this and if so how does one submit it? If I disable half my cores on 10900k my score is much better when divided by 5 rather than with all cores turned on and divided by 10. Am I making sense? EDIT: I'm specifically talking about the Geekbench 4 bechmark.
  18. just a heads up so you aren't like "WTF" when it gets cut from the competition but hwinfo needs to show the clock speed of all cores rather than the vid. Thought I'd say something since you got such a great score and would hate to see it not stick.
  19. Like someone already said you need to get that system agent voltage way down. You're killing your CPU. Also, your core voltage - 1.570 - don't know what kind of cooling you have but the only thing that would support 24/7 voltages at that level would be if you had a big ass water cooler instead of a radiator and even then - it better be an industrial size with a pump to match.
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