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Everything posted by marco.is.not.80

  1. Damn you Big Block. ? Is that Windows 7? Anyways, enough people are scoring like that which means somewhere out there is the information since I highly doubt everyone magically discovered the tweak on their own but now that I know it's not actually a cheat I will eventually stumble on the solution during my testing. All I can think of is that there is one specific LOD setting out of the many combinations that this benchmark responds to and there is no hint at which number that is because if you go one over or one under you are going to get the same score as if you never turned it on. Anyways, back at it. Thanks for encouragement - you can have dibs on the robotic NASA monitor that will be in the for sale section once I've gained the world record in this benchie ? Marco
  2. Ok, I do feel better actually because I don't mind losing to an impossible score and spending lots of time trying to do something I never would be able to actually accomplish. Thank you for unburdening me! The thing is, when they submit the hwbot file from the benchmark won't it show that they were running past 5 ghz (in your example, 5.2)??? Leeg?
  3. Seriously? Ok, at this point I'll pretty much try anything but it doesn't look like any of the guys above me (and just noticed you and I are ranked together) and you are using Win8? Man, I gotta find a Win8 image somewhere. This will be the first time I've ever even installed it.
  4. Well, 17 hours later I've increased my score to 9325... A whopping 50 or so points not even worth resubmitting. I've tried hyperthreading off with auto-affinity - no increase. I've tried hyperthreading enabled with auto-affinity obviously - that was default for me. No increase. I've tried assigning 2 core/hyper/no-hyper, 3 core/hyper/no-hyper, etc. The benchmark tanks with only two cores hyper/no-hyper and it seems like 4 cores is needed to achieve a CPU limited situation. Anyways, the point is - I've tried almost every possible configuration there is and the best I could was a 4 core non-hyperthreaded run that got me 9325 after the third run. So obviously I'm not going down the right path considering the highest entry right now is 9650.75 which nothing is indicating that I'm even close to capable of making a run like that. Considering this is an event where we are all limited to 5 ghz it makes no sense to me other than there is a damn good tweak out there that I'm simply not aware of and can't find. Obviously don't expect anyone to tell me either so I'm going to order a monitor today and have it FedEx'd overnight delivery and it was made in a science lab at NASA and can do a fucking 9,000,000 mhz refresh rate and jack me off with robot arms at the same time you fuckers... SIGH... I'll keep pushing. Marco
  5. Splave and Yosarian, Thanks for responding. Changing priorities from normal, high and realtime made no difference for me. HPET VS RTC: I wish I had more control over this but my Apex XI doesn't have a BIOS settings for HPET but my comments in my initial post about Windows 7, Windows 10 pre-1809 and Windows 10 post-1809 covered this correct me if I'm wrong. Don't know anything about removememory so I will read up on that. Obviously I use the maxmem with the 12-12-12-28 and lower timings. Affinity is an interesting question. Let me play with it and see if I can find any measurable difference... RE: higher refresh rate monitor - mine is 144. I never thought that maybe the guys scoring higher than me might be using 240 or higher... Man, that would suck. Getting beat because of refresh rate. LOL. I'll post back when I have run some more tests.
  6. But It is for triple buffering and vsync right? Those are already forced off by my driver...
  7. Digg: My submission is here: https://hwbot.org/submission/4183075 D3D Overrider? I mean, if it's for LOD isn't using nvidia profile inspector the same thing or ... did you just give me the insight I needed :-) ? Marco
  8. Tried both of those - had no bearing on my score because as already mentioned - the benchmark is CPU bound - but I did try both of those methods to see if they had any impact.
  9. Guys/Girls, I now have a tick because of this benchmark. Can someone please share with me what the revolutionary frackin' secret is to getting some of the epic scores from this comp: https://hwbot.org/competition/Challenger 2019 Division I round 2/stage/4616_unigine_heaven_-_basic I've put in 4 days of trying everything you can imagine and I get the same score no matter what within 30 to 40 points. Realizing that this is a severely CPU limited benchmark I have tried: - maximum memory frequency all the way up to around 4700 Mhz and got the same score. - lowest possible timings at 12-12-12-28 CR1 with good subtiming configuration and got the same score. - spent an entire day on BCLK although I noticed none of the of guys I'm competing against were doing that but what the hell. 102 x 49, 105, etc. made no difference. - must be timer related, right? Windows 7, Windows 10 pre 1809 with 3 mhz TSC timer and Windows 10 post 1809 with the 10 mhz FrankenTimer - doesn't matter - same score. - maybe some 16 GB Double Sided sticks will do some magical hocus pocus - ya... no. The only thing that would move my score was upping the core of my processor past 5 ghz which is over the amount that the competition allows. So what the fuck is the magic sauce that is allowing shit like 9650.75 DX9 Marks? I tried all the LOD hacks, etc. just in case somehow they made a difference but like I said - CPU limited but literally have run out of ideas and could use some insight before I pluck my eyes out and feed them to my turtle. Marco
  11. Next year I'm going to dethrone you all. The crowd will be awestruck as I pour LN2 with one hand and beat Alex in an arm wrestle with the other hand at the same time balancing a table on my head with Splave on top of it doing his Asrock demo. Look closely at my OpenNoob Table made from 100% Lucky Noob's head. This should pretty much nullify Dancop and anyone else since you can't compete while trying to find your jaw in a huge crowd of Asian people. God you guys have no idea. Might as well pass me the cape and scepter now.
  12. Actually ? ... and yes - in under a month believe it or not. My first house, too. BUT... can totally understand not having time, too. Most insane thing I've ever gone through. Ozzie is still the Ayatollah of Dick. If I ever meet him I'm going to give him a big hug and not let go until he says something nice.
  13. Hmmm... didn't realize that there were still more adjustments. Well, no matter - he's the winner to me since I spent the whole time chasing him. haha...
  14. Yes you did. Go check the latest standings. Congrats to the top 3 - Macsbeach, TheSilver and Superpatodonaldo.
  15. Yes. Definitely for me. This comp was an awesome experience and I learned so much that will be valuable moving forward.
  16. I mean, I for one am not nearly good enough to have the luxury to think my scores would ever be good enough to hold out submission on. Once I get there I'll let you know. And Mac - Scotty is right that is a crazy collection of AMD cards... I was most impressed with your use of the powerboards. I have a new model EVGA but couldn't get it to work and chickened out. I know that it was holding me back once I was using the LN2. My memory overclocks on all my submissions were really low.
  17. I watched the live stream - was really cool and grats to Alex for winning the big cash payout!
  18. Yep - that's exactly what I was talking about. So Sandbag = Douchebag. Good to know. If I was macsbeach98 I would be especially pissed off since clearly if there had been any time left he could've resubmitted and taken the lead. Anyways, as you said - it's allowed (I can't think of a way you could stop it) but it certainly isn't respectable.
  19. Honestly, don't know what sandbagging means in this context so help me out. did you mean douche bag?
  20. Ozzie, I was being sarcastic... "Uncle Guido" - an Italian guy - who solves complex problems (by putting your head in a vice) and helps you see a different perspective (like what it's like to breath underwater), etc. Doesn't speak French but uses Google Translator (e.g. "Ok Google - how do you say I'm going to melt your face off with a blow torch in Francais?")... But yes, it's also just as funny to think it wasn't sarcastic... ? Marco PS: I also agree with you - rip off artists aren't interested in doing anything close to moral or making the right choice.
  21. LOL The Silver. You didn't get breast fed when you were a kid or something?
  22. Noxinite, My close family friend, "Uncle Guido" specializes in solving complex recovery problems like the one you are having. He really has the gift of negotiation and helping others find common ground where they might have failed to notice in the past. Let me know if you are interested. ? Marco PS: He doesn't speak French but has had a lot of success using Google Translator on his mobile. Like others have said - thanks for taking the time to warn people about this.
  23. I now own both of these boards and they are both great but I can say that if I could only have one it would be the Dark. It's an engineering work of art.
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