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Everything posted by marco.is.not.80

  1. I posted this on the competition page but the link to this thread is broken so I'm repeating it here so you can see it, LHd: The last two Div 1s this year had CPU clock limitations imposed on them but I don't see any of the rules stating that's the case for this comp - just want to make sure it wasn't missing and end up having to resubmit scores... Leg?
  2. So just for clarification before I pull the trigger on this would the following be appropriate? I just want to make sure that "4 threads" is acceptable: https://www.newegg.com/core-i3-7th-gen-intel-core-i3-7350k/p/N82E16819117772 Thanks Leeg.
  3. What I can tell you is this. A free benchrmark that is exploitable and can not be trusted (which essentially makes it useless for competition and trending) is far worse than a benchmark that might have required a small fee. Still, this is not what is happening here - not even close - and in fact, once Benchmate becomes more widely used at the Bot you'll be using it for free because no one is obligated to spend a dime helping with the development of Matt's software. My original post asked the question "why are there are only three people signed up for this project?" You've shared your reason why you won't. What more is there to say?
  4. How can you have a name like MrGenius and come away from this with the idea that someone is charging for benchmarks? Please elaborate.
  5. Wow Ozzie, you know how in the past I've kind of insinuated that your a total dick? I take it all back! ? The only thing I'd say is that despite your idea being good and one that I'd buy into no problem I still think the first order of the day is to ensure accurate and cohesive benchmarks that can't be easily circumvented with cheating and ensures HWbot's integrity as the authority on all things overclocking. After that I think what you are proposing literally naturally just happens... but maybe I'm just being a naive idealist. Probably... Actually - hmmm - ya... I am. Still, it still seems like what Matt is working on should be the first order of the day.
  6. Here you go sir: https://www.paypal.me/hwbot
  7. The more I think of this project the more I am thinking that people like der8auer with his huge subscriber base on YouTube (me being one of them) wouldn't use his platform to give more visibility to Benchmate? When we talk about integrity of the results certainly many of those are world records owned by him?
  8. Actually, that gives me a lot of hope that maybe I'm overreacting and many just aren't aware there is a way to support the project.
  9. MT, Although I don't have any number to back it up my spidey senses tell me otherwise.
  10. Bless you, man - but just like George you aren't in the demographic I'm talking about either. Starving students, people that are financially going through a hard time, those are currently unemployed or out because of some illness - these aren't the people that I'm referring to. If it came across that way then shame on me for being a bad communicator. BUT... even if those in the categories above were to represent 50% of our community (not even close - but for the sake of argument) that still leaves a huge pool of people that have no excuse. EDIT: Not saying George is disabled or a starving student either... Obviously he contributes to our community in many ways. In fact, he moderated the last competition I was in. I guess I should also include all the volunteers who already give so much to our community - I'm not talking about them either.
  11. You definitely aren't and for the record I support hwbot through an automatic paypal subscription and feel like this community has many people that could easily support both. As Leeg mentions above - many of us are using hardware that is anything but cheap. Actually, those in our community which have made youtube careers from overclocking should be getting involved and all those guys over at Jays2cents, Gamers Nexus, Linus Tech Tips, etc. should be leading the charge because when they all generate revenue by benchmark trolling each other they are comparing there scores to... who? The Bot. Anyone who is remotely interested in overclocking should care about the Benchmate project because of exactly what I quoted from the website's front page. Or so it seems to me.
  12. Why the fuck does Matt's Patreon page only have three subscribers for Benchmate development? I'm not talking to the people that donated via other means but certainly that doesn't account for the fact that there is only three. The amount of moaning and groaning that goes on about cheating and how fucked up the Bot's leaderboards are, etc. etc. and we have someone in our own community is probably becoming if not already THE expert in preserving the integrity of the bechmarks we all use everyday and I'm trying to wrap my head around how he only has three subscribers at this point. With the amount of dollars this community has he should be able to quit his fucking job and work doing Benchmate full time. How depressing. Remember all the talk about how HWbot should become a pay site, etc.? It was suggested as a way to properly fund the site which serves our community. How hard is it go get 100 people in our community to pledge $10/month. Matt has no idea I was going to post this and most likely probably wouldn't want me to but I'm feeling pretty emotional right now and don't really care. Just to bang the point home here is what is described on Benchmate's front page: Those who decide it's not worth contributing some money to this project should never ever complain again on these forums about anything because as I said in the subject - you're all talk. If I'm coming across as a dick I apologize - I don't really know how else to say what I'm trying to communicate.
  13. I think I saw this asked somewhere else and now I can't find it and I can't remember either so here goes: Should we still apply the maxmem tweak via msconfig once we have a bootable profile?
  14. Wanted to add - that what is really impressive here is that you are doing this in dual channel mode. If you look at the top scores everyone does it in single channel. All the world records set by memory manufacturers also quote single channel. See how far you can go in single channel mode - I bet you can get one of those sticks to 5000 no problem.
  15. nice score man, but I'm pretty sure those screenshots from what looks like a dual monitor won't be accepted - just a heads up. I know the bot can be picky about stuff like that so it's just good to get into the habit of doing screenshots exactly as directed in the rules so you don't do some epic score just to have it rejected. I've had it happen many times - everyone has - figured I'd say something. nice job - good to see you getting the "bot bug" ;-)
  16. https://www.patreon.com/benchmate/overview There is also: https://www.paypal.me/overclockers Both of these are also accessible through the donate button in the BenchMate application itself.
  17. Actually, I just realized - it's the wrong score - I need single core results not multicore results for geekbench 4 so back to invalid data file. I'll keep trying. Ignore my dumb request - now I know why you guys said don't use the submit button ? EDIT: Oh my god I'm just making myself look more retarded as the day goes on. There is no problem with benchmate... the problem is the user who was submitting multicore results instead of the singlecore results. Sorry for all the noise ?
  18. Ok, here is something crazy. If I use the submit to hwbot button within benchmate (I know it's not supposed to be working) I can submit the results no problem - shows up in my profile, etc. I can edit it and add all the missing vendor info but when I hit save the only option it preents to me to participate is the AMD DDR4 comp and not the Intel one... Getting there ? LeegH: Would it be possible to add this submission to the Intel DDR4 comp for me - I'm worried I won't solve this before the end which is in a few hours: https://hwbot.org/submission/4206070_marco.is.not.80_geekbench4___multi_core_with_benchmate_core_i9_9900k_42272_points?recalculate=true
  19. I changed my default browser to Firefox so maybe that's causing some sort of issue. Also, for Geekbench3 I was able to enter my private license key but for Geekbench4 is doesn't ask me nor can I find a place to change it. I think it gets entered during installation but in the case of BenchMate that process is not available obviously... Maybe you are pulling the license info from the registry (I have not actually checked to see if it is there but writing this quickly). The error is: "Invalid Data File. Unable to decrypt the data file."
  20. I've got a key for both and can submit for Geekbench 3 but 4 won't work. Any ideas?
  21. Ah, ok perfect. So, A0 = A1 and A2 is really A2 which means that my Galax HOF set is A2 because the gap between the clusters is exactly as described above. Wonder why I couldn't get Dancop's profile to work... At least I know I'm working with A2 now so I don't have to worry I'm putting effort into something that isn't. Thanks!
  22. Guys, can someone please define "A2" because from what I know there is "A0" which many people seem to identify as "A1" and then there is "A1" which gets called "A2" based on A0 being called A1 and then there is the real A2 which I'm not sure if this BIOS is for THE real A2 or for A1 which gets called A2 incorrectly? I believe I only have A0 and one stick of the real A2 which I believe the last version of the Galax HOF kit was A2 based on the layout I have comparing it to the description I read on r/overclocking (see below):
  23. Agreed. I solved the problem by disabling secure boot - which proves your point perfectly.
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