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Everything posted by marco.is.not.80

  1. Soon we will start hearing questions like "Do you have the working version of Windows 10 or the older version which stopped working?" ? Anyways, I'll figure something out - maybe this is a good time to a fresh install lol. Marco
  2. Just in case I wasn't clear I did finally get an order in but as you've discovered it was related to Paypal. Once I created an account and UNCHECKED the box - forgot what it was called - but the one which suggests your postal address is different from your billing address - Paypal worked again for me. Stated in steps: 1. Create an account on Elmor's site and fill in EVERYTHING under billing address. 2. uncheck box for different address and leave everything blank. 3. profit! Marco
  3. It's a retail version of Windows 10 I purchased directly from Microsoft. I didn't really want to reinstall because this machine is my daily and wanted to take your suite out for a test drive and put it through some of the same hurdles I put our in house developer's stuff through at the company I work for currently during a security audit. Stuff I'm sure you are already familiar with - DLL hijacking, API hooking, etc. Obviously if it needs to be signed and my version of Windows 10 Pro (updated to the latest patch level as of yesterday) isn't able to verify it that maybe something is wrong with my certificate store but you seem to suggest that it's not signed which I'm trying to understand how people reinstalling got it to work?
  4. "Could not initialize BenchMate driver! Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source [#577]" Any ideas? Marco
  5. Wow, thanks DC! Sharing the profiles and having them available in the Asus BIOS - can't tell you how appreciative I am!
  6. Mats, did this resolve for you because I'm still in the same boat and don't know if my account is fracked up or I just need to wait it out... ?
  7. Ah, ok, I'll try that now. EDIT: Ok, I tried again after creating an account and now when I order it says bill phone number required. I added that in my address list for my account but it still insists during checkout that my phone number needs to included. That was with Paypal. So I tried Amex and put my "contact phone #" in but got the same error. I can share some screenshots if it will help. UPDATE: Weird. Not sure what I did differently but I got the order received page. ?
  8. I keep trying to order but no matter how I check out and no matter which browser I use after the card is processed I am returned to the checkout page where it says I need to properly complete the captcha - which of course - I've already done. Anyone else have this problem?
  9. What does it mean when I get no entries in my wall feed about closed competitions and where I ranked and no longer seem to get updated points based on my comps that I have recently completed? It's like I never did them? EDIT: Sorry didn't mean to revive an old thread - for some reason this showed up as new in my unread feed.
  10. I lost quite a few points but believe it was the right decision and appreciate the volunteers who continue to keep hwbot going. Thank you. XTU was what introduced me to the bot by the way... it lead to the rookie rumble... the novice nimble... never looked back!
  11. When you say AA mode you mean like sparse grid supersampling x2/x4/x8 and/or AA_REPLAY_MODE_ALL? Then yes. If you mean something else then no. Let me know if I'm retarded.
  12. Yep... Probably should have done it sooner.
  13. you'll definitely want to get that fixed or it will get rejected. Sorry man, been there many times!
  14. Yes, for sure - there is an obvious lack of detail as I increase it to the point where it looks like I'm running the benchmark on an old Mattel Intellivision.
  15. Actually, this benchmark has been such a pain I was going to ask you to do it for me. I need my shoes shined, too. Please don't forget the peeled grapes. LOL. You are correct in assuming I don't want to be spoon fed but little helpful hints like the one you provided aren't frowned upon I hope? One thing I can say I've officially done is tried one round of every possible LOD setting (0 to 33) and none of them made any difference so I suspect if LOD is involved in this at all it must be a non-standard value that isn't offered in the drop down box. I do appreciate you affirming that I should continue to stay within nvidia profile inspector since I had recently washed my hands of it which sounds like the wrong direction... so yes, thank you.
  16. Provide the offering plate and the members will fill it.
  17. Basically, "blah blah blah blah" "give me your secrets" "some more blah blah blah."
  18. Ozzie, The current setup is basically a fresh install - I didn't use an existing image and already had a licensed copy of Windows 7 that I used for this system.
  19. Yes they do. When you were growing up they told you that your name was zeropluszero. You were lied to. In fact, your mother named you zeroplusone before the bad people snatched you out of her arms. "Oh little baby zeroplusone" she'd say, "one day you will know you matter." and that day has arrived! If you tell me what the secret to this fucking benchmark is I'd dare say you could even be called oneplusone and have a whole new lease on life! People will talk and ask each other, "isn't that zeropluszero?" "No" others will answer. "That's OnePlusOne formally known as zeropluszero."
  20. OH MY GAWD I GIVE UP!!!! This isn't a freakin' benchmark it's a life sucking parasite that slowly drains a person's life force until they commit suicide. I don't know how the hell I can get MORE FPS in a run and score LESS - is this some sort of experiment in self-hatred?!!?!? This benchmark should be illegal and banned in the civilized world. No one in my family even wants to be around me lately. Even the cat won't come in. This benchmark ruins lives. OVERCLOCKER'S LIVES MATTER!
  21. Progress! Barely... but it moved me up one position. Still - I feel like I've tried every possible crazy thing I can think of. Only three days left lol.
  22. Please make it easy to fund this and let us all know how we can start doing that ASAP.
  23. Yay, I finally have an excuse to purchase the AMD platform. Just as the prices have gone up, too ? PS: Thanks for all the hard work, Mat! PSS: $100 on after this Mat gets picked up by Intel? Remember I said it.
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