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Everything posted by bigblock990

  1. You're right, I don't have any facts. Was just going off hearsay from other members, and my own logic. I still find it extremely hard to believe fred is losing money every year but I guess I'll take your word for it. I'm glad you decided to stick around anyways
  2. This ^^^^^ The only reason would be someone passionate about what they are doing sinking money in to keep it going. But clearly thats not the case here.
  3. Albrecht is awesome, truly a huge loss to the community if he quits. He has always been fair, open, and willing to do whatever he can to help anytime I talked to him. I don't want to see him go, but honestly can't blame him if he does. He has way thicker skin than I do, I'm surprised he made it this long PS. websmile did a great job too, and has even helped me out after his "retirement" PSS. This thread is about unpaid volunteer help catching crap daily, meanwhile the guy lining his pockets doesn't care at all, and hasn't even bothered to sign in since Oct 2nd.
  4. @Leeghoofd any updates?
  5. Price drop
  6. Hey all, I have for sale a Kingpin Venom cpu pot. Pot is in excellent condition, and the base is lapped. Comes with complete mounting hardware, and a kpc probe installed. $100 SOLD shipped to US48, payment via paypal.
  7. If it replaces pcmark vantage stage I'm in
  8. SOLD!! Can be closed and moved. Thanks @marco.is.not.80 check your pm's again please
  9. Sorry guys, was away from my computer all day stuck in meetings at work. I have replied to both of you via PM. Thanks!
  10. Updated OP with ln2 test
  11. Maybe this guy? @Devroush But same situation, hasn't been online since august
  12. LOL at this. He hasn't logged on since September 11, and last post was June 28
  13. As always, if you don't like my price feel free to bin your own
  14. bigblock990

    [FS] i3-7350k

    Hey all, I have for sale an Intel i3-7350k. Ambient testing done on z270 apex with llc6, 240aio, 22c ambient. Before delid 50/46 @ 1.24v 51/46 @ 1.29v After delid, with grizzly conductonaut LM 53/49 @ 1.43v Quick ln2 test on z170m oc formula, kpx paste. Full pot no problem, -125 cbb. 6650mhz R15 CPU only, no box. Will be shipped delidded, with IHS seperate from cpu to avoid damage. Payment via paypal $225 shipped USA $250 shipped USPS priority international Thanks for looking.
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