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Everything posted by bigblock990

  1. This error is because your opencl doesn't support opencl 2.0 You need to install amd sdk v3.0+ or intel 18.1 Gpupi 3.2 legacy will work with opencl 1.2
  2. Hey all, some items for sale: 2) Gigabyte x99 SOC Champion Mobo comes full box bundle. It is insulated with LET. The ILM has been modified so that standard M4 2011 mounting works, and also 6-32 rods can pass through for mounting a cpu pot. **pcie_1(1st slot) is stuck in 8x mode, pcie_2(3rd slot) works 16x** I mainly used this board for 2d. No idea when or how this issue happened. I never attempted any troubleshooting or fixes as I have x299 to bench 3d. https://imgur.com/hSnmSQG https://imgur.com/lJQ5i2T https://imgur.com/tBc6Enk https://imgur.com/vE42ODs https://imgur.com/eFPA2Fx 3) 5960x L522C026 Retail cpu, great condition. Comes cpu only, no packaging. Benched on ln2 once, however I lost my notes on it for temps and volts. Recent air test: https://imgur.com/wgPBbSM CBR15 47/45 @ 1.23vcore ln2: https://hwbot.org/submission/3598112_ https://hwbot.org/submission/3600720_ 1) $900usd SOLD 2) $150usd 3) $400usd 4) $400usd SOLD All prices are OBO. Shipping to USA 48 included. I can ship worldwide at buyer expense. Thanks for looking!
  3. My MOCF doesn't want to play nice with this kit of galax mems for some reason. So apex it is
  4. I'll sleep better tonight knowing you are proud of me George
  5. SOLD, can be closed. Thanks!
  6. So have you been scouring the depths of the internet to find that rare cedar core weirdo model thats better than all the others? I know that's your favorite passtime ?
  7. Cpu on phase and mems on air, not bad at all
  8. bump
  9. The poll was tied 50-50. Is it easier for you to setup / moderate with one model or doesn't matter?
  10. I definitely don't care if elite is separated or not. I thought most people wanted it that way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. I like where your head is at. I just don't think it will help. I feel the only real solution to the cooling method problem is not to differentiate at all. Go to 3 leagues. Elite (ES and vendor samples), everyone else, rookie (6mo limit).
  12. Right now the complaint is guys in enthusiast using a chiller and calling it ambient. With your proposal the complaint will be guys using dice/cascade and calling it SS to stay at the top of enthusiast. Not sure how temp monitoring will help. For example the last few gens of Intel cpu show -5-0c in software monitoring. So how would you differentiate between -70c dice and -40c SS?
  13. How do you plan to break the tie for the rebrand or not poll?
  14. bump
  15. 1.42io / 1.37sa for both 4200 and 4800 runs
  16. I vote gpu tests only. With cpu limit 5g, then core count won't matter. I don't see a reason to allow rebadge models. hd 5450 are plentiful and cheap. No one should have a problem finding one (or 10 ).
  17. For the 3dmark benches (skydiver, 3dm11, 3dm06) would you do gpu tests/scores only, or full runs?
  18. For sale Intel i9-9900k. Cpu is in excellent condition. Includes full retail packaging. Testing R15 on Asrock z390 phantom gaming 9. Normal water loop, 19c ambient. 50/46 @ 1.18v 53/49 @ 1.34 Has decent IMC, testing on Asus z390 gene, cpu on water, mems on air. Please note these are using 2c/2t (was for OCN compo) so 8/16 results will be a bit less. 4215 12-11 4795 14-13 Your results may vary depending on mobo model, cooling setup ect. $600 shipped to US48. $585 worldwide, buyer pays shipping, and any customs fees. Payment via paypal. SOLD
  19. I voted hd 5450. I have epower waiting
  20. That is my workaround aswell.
  21. Two screens as you laid out seems like a perfectly acceptable workaround to test this bench for the compo
  22. Looks good Leeghoofd
  23. @Leeghoofd No more pro oc division??
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