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Everything posted by Casanova

  1. Indeed, this slow loading is more noticiable on hwbot.org.
  2. I digged this one from a Slovak website, dated from march 2002. Extreme ln2 overclock with a "brand new released" Northwood P4 Tunned hardware: Motherboard ABIT TH7, RIMM PC800 2x128MB 2.75V, cooling LN2 -184 C, CPU voltage 2.05V, Graphics card FVD4500PCI, SCSI Dc390u3d. link: Pretaktovaný Intel Pentium 4 2,4 Ghz (Northwood) | pc.sk
  3. Guys, when i try to upload my GPUPI 1B for Road to Pro Division II round 3 it says in limitations that i have to make a submission for 3dmark03... wtf?? Follow print proof. @websmile @Massman any ideas? Or am i doing something wrong?
  4. I had the same problem, just sent an email to @websmile with the print and archive.
  5. Please disregard, it was me doing it wrong upload ok.
  6. Good night! I successfully ran GPUPI 1B and 100M, printed according to the rules, archive submission is OK, but when i try to submit it gives the error "Error client version 2.3". Follow the google drive archives as prove. @Massman https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7HP4KK3cTXGQ0EyelN0clU3Rk0 Can you guys correct it please? Thanks in advance.
  7. I found this old 3d benchmark dated from 1997, released by remedy. Bunny's Workshop used this bench to competitions in the late 90's. The benchmark gives a final score. This one is not on Hwbot 3d bechmarks list, but i think it's worth be in there, and it can be used for Old School is the Best School competitions as well. Download link: https://files.scene.org/view/demos/groups/remedy/fr101.exe Bunny's Workshop ranks with Matrox Millennium G200 and other vintage graphics cards. Bunny's Workshop
  8. These ones are also from the same website rankings for superpi1m pifast
  9. @Massman I do not know if you've already cataloged these: superpi
  10. This one was found on web archive, and is dated back from december 16 year 2000. These guys used a custom cpu pot for slot A and to cool an athlon cpu. Also, they adapted what i think was one of the first benchtables for extreme overclocking For more info: Liquid Nitrogen2
  11. So while i was digging for more ancient ln2 extreme overclocking, i unearthed some excellent material that deserve to have it's own thread I did not find the specific date that the event occurred, but I imagine it's around 2000 or earlier. I will start with this guys from "Project E.U.N.U.C.H.", which, according to them, means "The Extreme Use of Nearly Universal Cooling Hardware" LoL. It's a crazy and fun overclocking session that a bunch of friends invented to drink some holy water until they die of happiness :0 For more funny info: Project E.U.N.U.C.H.
  12. Sorry, but when i see people doing 1.6v-1.7v on ambience temps with water... i think something is getting weird on enthusiast league... anyway, congrats for this amazing job you did here, i couldn't do this without chiiled water, so, really amazing...
  13. I downloaded the official wallpaper of the competition in the first days of it and ran the benchmarks, printed and uploaded my results. The thing is that i notice the wallpaper changed! I took a look at the result of other competitors and some of them are using the same wallpaper that i downloaded. I would like to know if i'll have to run all the benchs again with the new wallpaper, or the first one is still valid?
  14. @Massman i think this thread can be massively updated with the information gathered from the thread "First LN2 Overclock in history". If you guys need any help i'll be glad to take some time doing this update.
  15. It worked flawlessly Thanks again man!
  16. No tweaks, Win10. Final tests with ambient temperature. Best i can do with AIO H80i and these bdie ram. Next:LN2 and tweaks FTW
  17. Thanks, it worked PS: I think the total points on HWBOT TEAM CUP 2017 - SC2: GPU 3D is not working right, because the sum of all 6 stages is giving diferent result on the "total" last column.
  18. Guys, i'm having problems when trying to upload the gpupi32, it keep giving me the message "No client version given, required version: 2.3". But i'm using the version 2.3.4 download from hwbot link. Also facing problems when trying to upload aquamark 3 file. If i save the file with the systeminfo it gives me the message "Invalid data file: Unable to parse the datafile". But when i save the file without using the systeminfo the hwbot submit system simple does not allow it to be uploaded because the systeminfo is missing! Follow the pictures and archives, please if someone can take a look i'll appreciate:) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7HP4KK3cTXGMFFCemlJRGNBTFU
  19. Thanks a lot man, i've just downloaded it, will test later
  20. I'm having issues with JDK 9 when trying to save the file, it simple does not save it. Also the archive listed by user Spiedie is not available anymore. I saw a huge gain from running hwbotprime with java 8 last version and with jdk 9 builds 107 and 118, jumped from 59xx to 62xx. How can i solve this "not saving data file" problem? Do u guys still have the link for the files? Thanks in advance
  21. It's been some time since my last post. I found this personal website from a japanese guy identified only as "amt". Taking a look at his posts we can see that he had been overclocking with LN2 since late 90's to at least end of 2000. He wrote that he decided to create the website because he was receiving too much emails from "overseas" asking informations about his liquid nitrogen overclocking experiences. He did several detailed topics about remodeling FSB/VCORE/Vio, hardware components, such as 32MB DIMM LTC-10P (Hyundai memory modules), Matrox Millennium pci video board, and even tips about getting an engineering sample for better overclock results! There is also a topic about his studies on hard mod/volt mod with a book named "The super technique of PC remodeling", by K.Suzuike (don't know who is the author). Here is his superpi personal record from december 1999 using a pentium 3: my record For MANY more information, visit his website, that is still online: amt's overclocking room
  22. In this article, dated from the year 2000, a guy modified memory and cpu (pentium 4) voltages. He made a step by step of his extreme overclock session. He beggined with peltier cooling, and them changed to liquefied carbon dioxide (dry ice). Funny to say that he started his step 2 saying that it was a "Classic work of overclockers..." for the year 2000 extreme overclock with peltier was already considered a classic Link: Takachã®é“楽倶楽部PC館 実験室ãã®ï¼‘ P4Tã®æ”¹é€ ã
  23. I found this (another) japanese extreme overclock website, named "Futto-Kun" and is dated between 1998 and 2004. So almost 20 years ago this "awesome crazy" japanese overclocker started to extremely overclock it's DDR memory kit to the limit, pushing it to 2-2-2-2-F settings, and apparently volt modded the cpu core voltage to boot at 1.85v and raise it in bios to 2.0v. He also anchieved great super pi results with Amd Athlon Mp (socket A). Interesting to say that we have an extreme overclock member named Futto-Kun: https://hwbot.org/user/futto_kun/ @futto_kun Links for much more histories: –³‘èƒhƒLƒ…ƒÂƒ“ƒg
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