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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/athlon_64_4050_x2_brisbane/ Already there.
  2. Wow. Warrantied pin damage. Outstanding.
  3. You confuse negative energy with being gun shy. Many people lost a lot of points on the UCB fiasco, and your bench has much more to play with than that did. And we won't even talk about PCM05. I actually like the bench. I just wish it was a little easier to get going and was a little more bullet proof.
  4. Or....I could keep it to myself and jump on the GPUPI global points train and wait for the wreck. Just like UCBench. That's fine. I'm good with that. Thanks for the time.
  5. Doesn't really matter. There's no way to identify multiple cards being used. Only the newest one. It's a cheats dream come true. Points for this bench should be discontinued until all the flaws are worked out.
  6. Nice. Yet another flaw. Points for this bench were so very premature.
  7. Max for me is around 285 @ 1.5-2-2-4 @ 3.6v Gonna be close at the end. GL to all. Good to see you again Matti.
  8. Yes, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
  9. We are quite similar. Thank you for the link. I'm enjoying it as we speak.
  10. We've had this discussion before my friend. We lost. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=102364&highlight=elite+hardware+points
  11. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/snapdragon_400_msm8226__(snapdragon_s4_)_1190mhz/
  12. Think 'keep it fun'. It works for me. We get almost nothing except self satisfaction for this hobby. Worthless points only keep our competitive spirit alive. They're still worthless. Have fun. Make friends. Share knowledge and experiences. That's what hobbies are for.
  13. Didn't ask you to remove it. Just saying, "mistakes are made sometimes". Sometimes the squeeky wheel gets more oil than they can handle. More patience, more benching. You'll be fine.
  14. Sound advice. :celebration: http://hwbot.org/submission/2768197_ravenwings1369_hwbot_prime_fx_6300_5940.99_pps Inadequate SS. 4 of same CPUz tab. One could report this and have it removed if one wanted to. Remember 'glass houses' people. Everybody makes a mistake now and then.
  15. If you just refresh, it works. Never had to do this before though, up until a couple days ago. I notice team achievements no longer work either.
  16. I can understand the upsetness. Patience. Moderators here are voluntary. They do this on their own time because they like it. The staff here are good guys for the most part (except Massman ). I'm sure it will get taken care of.
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