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Everything posted by davestarrr

  1. uplna ztrata casu ti neco vysvetlovat, ty si to stejne udelas po svym a vzdycky spatne :D
  2. so if you throw your rads or even whole rig out of the window to -10 or -15 weather its not chilled water you mean ? c'mon it chills the loop even better than ice bucket for example
  3. mas totiz stoprocentne spatne nastavene voltaze ktere nutne potrebujes k tomu aby to jelo stabilne na vysokych frekvencich treba jak me... s tema deskama nic nemusi bejt jenom tam neco delas spatne ono by to na to sedelo protoze se to presne takhle potom chova.... napis mi na facebooku ja ti to objasnim aby jsi taky mohl jet takovy bomby
  4. nediv se ze mas neco s deskou ... delas to spatne... celou tu oblast s ramkama musis odhalit a nechat silnej vetrak aby vzduchem z mistnosti je ofukovat a ony zustaly tak na 0 - 10 c jinak to bude delat hovna... to je zaklad na ddr4 xoc
  5. dude go and buy a spray for cleaning car brakes and use a shit ton of it to socket and ram slots... eventualy pm me on fb
  6. very strong chip but seems you are missing some important tweaks dude
  7. amazing work dude ;) seems 3300x is my next target ^^ how many cpus did you binned ?
  8. yea and very much thanks to you @ale belo for sharing me the knowledge about this benchmark ^^
  9. you can change tXP and PPD in mem timings and to your second question .... SP is silicon quality prediction value ... you cant change it how much SP do you have ? and cooling s obvious
  10. lol and what about to do what the error message wants from you ... can you please instal the intel ME drivers ?? if you dont have particular DVD ill bet you can download from manufacturer pages
  11. its new one ... better one ... i still have the cold scared one =/
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