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Everything posted by Bones

  1. Have to say congrats to Australia, strong effort to take the win and well deserved!
  2. Not sure why it's giving you a hard time - Mine wasn't difficult, just had to specify it was unlocked to 3 cores right after the CPU model was entered, all the rest was per usual. I've noted sometimes using the prepopulate option (If you're using it with a previous run from the same chip) can mess things up so I just do it all manually from start to finish most of the time.
  3. It depends in the end what chips would be allowed but Turions would be acceptable to me and probrably most others too..... Note I said "Most others", honestly I can only speak for myself on that. In fact I'm cool with anything that runs in a 754 period.
  4. I'll be in again if possible, don't know if I'd have what's needed but if so I'll throw in of course.
  5. Only thing I would change from this is to award a points award at an undefined time. All else looks great.
  6. Sheppix is correct, it's a team based comp and that's the format in which it was conceived for. For comps based on the individual then you'd be in luck provided what you have satisfies the requirements of said comp.
  7. Same here except it's usually the GPUs I have a problem getting. Unless I get lucky and they specify something I already have I'll have to sit out the 3D part, esp nowadays with things the way they are here.
  8. Needs a dualie setup for binning two at a time....
  9. You do make a good point in that many just don't have a large assortment of hardware BUT do remember also this is for the teams, not the individual and it should never be up to a single person to come up with it all on their own. Again, you won't find that "Perfect" solution we'd all like to have and no matter what's brought to the table someone will have a problem with it for whatever reasons since no one's situation is like any other. However it's like that in any other sport you can name too, this is why I'm saying we do need to make the effort or it's not gonna happen. Name any sport you want and I can promise you things won't be equal for all as individuals related to the same concerns being voiced here, it's a "Here it is, these are the rules.... Take it or leave it" kind of deal. Those guys know going in what's up and have to adjust. However..... Our situation is different in that we're already here, things have been going on with teams and such already established and the situation would change, not that other sports haven't changed as time has passed because they have. Change is inevitable and even neccesary for it to continue or you could one day call it all the Dodo bot. This has been kicked around for so long yet nothing ever seems to materialize so on it goes.... I don't have any real say over what's done or how it will be, all I can do is to suggest what could be like the rest of you. However since the discussion is happening in the first place that is a step in the right direction. :banana: BTW do realize unlike it is in other "Sports" we actually get to voice our opinions about HOW things are done, if it were most anything else we'd be told we can either squeal and/or deal or just get the hell out. If the guys here at the bot were to do that one day it woudn't suprise me so much and yes, it could happen that way too but I don't see the guys here wanting it to be like that all.
  10. Thing is, first off we all know there is no such thing as the perfect format or solution if you will, all we can do is to try and come up with something that works for the most possible yet still achieves the desired objective. I have to assume you coudn't get Super PI running due to being busy with other things, the majority of us do have jobs and lives in general with some just being busier than others - I get that. I know for some that may prove difficult but again, there is no perfect solution. All we can do is try to come up with the best possible format or way of doing it that's of the most benefit to the max number of competitors/teams as possible. Related to your CPU-Z suggestion, an alternative idea is a different wallpaper for each round making sandbagging more difficult, said wallpaper also not being known until the round/stage itself begins. You won't eliminate all sandbagging, that will never truly go away but something that makes it almost mandatory to post your best within a short time frame will help reduce it. If we don't make the effort to solve this, it will never be solved period. Thank you for your ideas.
  11. Guys, we need to find an alternative to the current comp format. Something that could be done in stages BUT not with all of it at the same time with each stage only lasting for a short amount of time. This way you'd have far less sandbagging and less of the site getting slammed at the end (Or so we'd hope). Also make the stages as elimination rounds allowing only those teams that make the cut proceeding ot the second/next stage of the comp itself, so on and so on. This year we had what I would call 4 stages, namely SC1 through SC4 with an assortment of benchies within each. I'd say the top 20 goes on from the first stage, then the top 10 for the third and the top 3 teams for the final round. Most would think top 2 but having a third team there would spice things up a bit. The benchies in each stage isn't announced until it opens, this way (Hopefully) no one gets the jump on others.... Keeping stages unknown until it's time has been an issue in the past I know, that would need addressing if it hasn't been already. Each stage could only be for about a week so there woudn't be too much sandbagging, you'd still have it of course but not as bad as before. Something along these lines would cut down on the excessive sandbagging since you really can't hold them for long anyway AND you'd have a limited amount of time to make them count, not to mention it would probrably be easier on the server too, esp after the first stage is done. Just an idea to be considered. I believe something like this has been done before but the way the Team Cup is now it's been alot of trouble and headache to deal with. If we need to start another thread that woudn't be a bad idea for discussion. What do you guys think? Ideas? Let's hear 'em. :celebration:
  12. Would be sad to retire it. Just this morning I dug out a really old 21' CRT to solve my prob with not having enough resolution to fully display the box unobscured. Didn't know if it could do it but did so with ease as it turns out. As long as it works I'll be using it period - Looks like I've got Texas sitting on my bench but with all that space taken up it had better have the resolution. Websmile, you and the rest have done a great job and it's more than just appreciated. Undoubtedly it takes time away from the more personal aspects of your life so doesn't need to be wasted on such meaningless crap like this. The fact you guys do it at all speaks well of your dedication to the site and what we do overall. Thank you.
  13. Gee..... I'm wondering if it's a hardware problem related to the server(s) not being able to handle the load. If so get some sponsors to help out. They certainly reap the benefits of the site and could legitimately even call it an investment/advertising/whatever for a writeoff when they do it. By helping the bot they help themselves too. Just a thought here.
  14. As an example: Speaking of errors, could Griff please explain this? I'm not talking about the bench result window either. GRIFF`s Cinebench - R15 score: 150 cb with a Opteron 180 If one of you missed it, how in hell does air cooling equal SS according to the entry's photo and reported cooling method? It's one thing to simply forget about the pic, it's another when what you post clearly isn't what you ran in the first place according to your own sub info. I understand you have the right to report subs with problems and that in itself isn't an issue.... Just be sure you're own backside is clean and covered before going on a reporting spree. Just sayin.
  15. Noted it myself..... All from the same guy too. Liqmet's long lost sibling or something?
  16. Well....... I understand "Where" you're coming from yet know many comps are like this. Also realize when a comp is setup it certainly won't be to everyone's liking and this time around at least it's not to yours. Look around, there is almost always a comp going on that's more or less geared to what you are looking for in terms of competition.
  17. Nah - More like set it, walk away, check on it every so often and get the validation when it's done. Seriously that's what I did. BTW you haven't seen my recently made watertower I've been using for these runs have you? Looks like crap but it works. Hosted on my channel.
  18. Maybe you'll have a thought sometime later on this, I know you've worked on this enough as is and that is appreciated.
  19. Hmmm.... I checked and noted the only chip with the model designation of 4800 within socket 939 is the Toledo, Brisbane and Windsor both being AM2 chips and these three are the only ones that appears under the "4800" model query. Perhaps if it could somehow use what socket is being ran to help with this? I know it can read the socket, chip's codename and board model at least. Just trying to make a suggestion that could possibly help with this and improve the bench overall - Hopefully it may give you a thought or an idea of somekind.
  20. I know you're making it better and thanks for the work you've put into this! :ws: Perhaps there is a way to get the bench to use CPU-Z info while CPU-Z itself is opened for the screenie, I dunno but just a thought. Anyway you are right, editing is fine by me and I was having a real issue trying to get the site to edit the entry. Didn't want a mod coming along and nailing me over a sub I coudn't edit in time to correct the error before they saw it.
  21. I'm not going to win ANYTHING by competing since it's a solo effort from me concerning my team yet I'm in a few of the stages. And why do you say W9 and OCN has already won prizes? With respect: Correct me if I'm wrong with that but it looks that way from what you said and this one isn't over yet you know. As for the brat reference you're way off base with the guys from both teams. BTW I was a member of the W9 contingent back when we were Team CP and can directly say prizes were never our motivation for competing, it was about doing our best as I'm doing now all on my own. No chance in hell of winning anything yet I'm still in where I can be with what I do have. Nothing wrong with that and maybe it will attract new competitors, maybe your team will succeed and do just that. I will say if you're doing it for the prizes and nothing else you've missed the point of it all. I know some do it for those reasons and that's fine, however it's supposed to be about the spirit of competition itself in measuring up to the challenge.
  22. I don't know why but when I sub the data file it keeps calling my X2 4800 Toledo a Brisbane chip which it's obviously not. Bones`s HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k score: 0.3 fps with a Athlon 64 X2 4800+ (Brisbane) When I try to edit the entry I get a white screen saying something about the entry being edited in the browser header but it doesn't actually do it. Root of the issue is the misidentification of the chip. Thanks in advance for checking this. EDIT: Finally got it to do the edit of the sub but the misidentification issue still needs addressing at some point.
  23. Thank you for taking care of it.
  24. Cinebench - R11.5 overclocking records @ HWBOT Says it all with an obviously lower score being shown in 1st. Thanks!
  25. Eh - I believe we'll have a new category called "Glacier cooling" if he does this..... No way I'd believe it's all on air with all that ice around. BTW do let us know how long one of those will last for a benching session.
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