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Everything posted by ShrimpBrime

  1. Awesome! Looking forward to the changes. Thank you for all the hard work and patience dealing with people like me! Happy New Years btw. Hope it's a better one for everybody!
  2. @Leeghoofd it sounds like more of a job than a hobby for you. I do not envy your position at this company. I just want to run benchmarks. Copywaza is even too much for my old ass to bother using to eek out 0.0010 seconds. Anyhow. The second it becomes a job for overclockers, like making submissi ok s and filling out forms that take longer than benchmarks, I guess I just enjoy the hobby less at that point.
  3. Take off 120 seconds? That's easy get rid of W10 and run Xp Please rid of hackers and cheaters like you will with certain benchmarks as a result. That's all I ask for.
  4. You know damn well competitive benchmarking did not start with "pressing start" and getting a score. That's for the gamers at UserBenchmark. And perhaps for modern benching, it's the more proper approach to comparing systems. I think HWBot is much more elaborate than this. And then much more difficult to modernize and implement. Would it be nice to have just a HWBot benchmark that differs from the rest? Push start, get a score!! It seems maybe using a bunch of 3rd party benchmarks is a loose loose situation for these modern times.
  5. I'm humble with whatever changes are needed to stop minority cheaters we let stay here. But from my angle, the second one of our team members gets caught for something like that, he will be released from our team immediately and exposed as a cheat.
  6. You could say that for just about every benchmark out there. Numerous tweaks for PiMod for example. Should people disclose the use of TinyXP? At what point is it no longer a dead horse beaten to death with this age old conversation? I'd wager the popularity of the benchmark would have it left in it's place, but I've already had my vote for this year.
  7. Why are we removing points from legacy yet again? That is the passion for some people. Would like to see points stay on 04. I have comp points from 04 submissions. As well as global and team points. Do all the points pertaining to that benchmark get flushed too? Not against it if we can keep the points from old submissions, just not gain any more points. That would be cool. Or if someone wrote a tutorial for this bench, cause I know its a pain in the butt to get running for some people, can we keep it then?
  8. Yay points for everyone!!! Sounds like better things to come. The hardware grinders should have their place too. Good ideas.
  9. I should come in crying more often eh??!! Nice job gents. On the right track!!
  10. Thank you sir Der8auer! Would be nice to have some more frequent updates on the progress, ideas and inspiration from you. That's all we really ask for. Keep us informed, we can live happy with that!
  11. Lets go a little heavier.
  12. You got it fella.
  13. or just bug fixes to what's currently running
  14. Unfortunately, Alby leaving isn't my concern. That's HWBot's concern. Our team's concern is keeping my team optimistic and hopeful. With a 15 month total wait time for any improvements or just bug fixes to what's currently running, plus the years already before hand, my team is dwindling. Replacing star benchmarking individuals is super difficult as it is. Need to teach recruits from the ground up. And then there's no competition left for the few extreme benchers of the world. We cannot maintain a team with nothing to look forward to. We cannot maintain a team with diminishing interests to spend hard earned money on this hobby. We have literally nothing to hold our team together except hopes and dreams at this point. We can only hope an 8 month time line is a fact. Generally, I say nothing. But I'm tired of reading that my team mates are ready to retire. That's sad coming from Team ranked #2 in the world isn't it? Competition is gone. Teams are so heavily unbalanced as it is..... On and on we can go of the things of WHY it's not working.
  15. 8 more months... Can you define first gear? What exactly is the phase 1 plan? Why does the public remain in the dark? Why can't we fix the current bugs now? That's 15 months from OP to first gear. Let the issues just keep piling? We're benching in the dark over here. Just want you to know and acknowledge that. (To whom it may concern)
  16. This is super important. We are having trouble keeping team members interested in continuing the competitive overclocking sport/hobby. Concerns of closure due to non profitable business transactions and/or lack thereof, leads many to believe the worst. Many people are no longer optimistic with little to no feedback, many in the community guessing "that's it, you're at the end" is a sufficient way to describe an outcome.
  17. 3215 users this season submitted (2020)
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