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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. Ticket ID: 1152 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1573768\r\n\r\nDunno where to post results with this chip. It\'s a 3 GHz unlocked AM3 quad. The TWKR label is false, wrong clock speed - plus my real TWKR shows up as a TWKR during POST, this one says AMD Engineering Sample \r\n\r\nI was thinking about posting in the 940 category, but it\'s AM3 not AM2+... maybe just better to create a new category?
  2. What matters is the max performance, not if they bug at -250c or +10c:D Still, I doubt these chips will rape the rankings if they don't scale with cold.
  3. I think it's a nice idea to have different HW, it solves GPU sharing issues in a very elegant way:D I guess the best combo is 480/570/580...? 480's are fairly cheap second hand:) seen a few at $350 here, which is not much at all when we're talking about highend parts.
  4. I would think that score is divided by three then: (xxx + 0 + 0)/3 = xxx/3.
  5. It's not a perfect solution, but it's better that your rank is "unfair" rather than having 500 results getting too little boints because you used a MUCH more powerful second card.
  6. If the resolution shown in the ORB link is known to be accurate I'd say that's proof enough. I'm not the one writing the rules, so maybe massman should say if he agrees with me or not However, say the ORB link wasn't there... then you'd agree with me, right? Tbh I didn't look for it:p I just had a look at the x1200 ranking.
  7. At least your 01 (didn't look at the others) was #1 by quite a margin (~8% unless my math sucks), and in such a case it's good to know that the resolution is correct. Sometimes it takes a few months before such results are noticed, that's just life. Easiest way to make sure your scores don't get pulled is to make proper screenshots, it's not OUR fault that it's incomplete and that nobody reported it earlier:)
  8. Probably just a 965 with 2 disabled cores:)
  9. Or just "Perf." instead of "Performance". Unigine - DX11 is also enough, perhaps. As for the order, it's totally fucked up now:D It looks COMPLETELY random. I prefer the way it used to be, with 01 being first, but to start with the newest 3dmark is also possible, and have am3 + unigine at the end.
  10. Ticket ID: 1143 Priority: Low http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3377#ov\r\n\r\nI have some screenshots in the HD3300 category with the mobo tab included: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1092258_knopflerbruce_3dmark2001_se_radeon_hd_3300_19734_marks
  11. I also doubt any score has been banned because of a missing mobo tab
  12. If the issue is that you can't agree on which team should be called Team Russia, what about no team? It's just a name, no need to make a big deal of it. If there are two teams that big in one country, none of those will actually be "Team Russia", as a team that by the name looks to represent Russia.
  13. As long as there is no bicthing going on I don't mind any discussion that's related to the forum:) What exactly is the issue here? I didn't get it.
  14. If that works it would give some quite interesting data for massman to play with:D maybe it's possible to do this with other 3dmarks as well?
  15. No subtests = no boints. Period. That's my opinion.
  16. Make some gender stats (I guess you can enter this info somewhere, at least in the forum CP?). Then you remove those who have below x boints (maybe 100?), to remove those who only have a really minimal chance of qualifying for a live event. Then you can figure out what % of active OCers with a certain amount of skill that are female and post it here. You'll probably find some women, but not so many that it's weird that there are very few in live events.
  17. I'm not a huge fan of the "region system" used in OC competitions, and in alot of other sports as well, FYI. The fiiancial discrimination isn't really what you say it is, it's exactly the opposite! It allows more people to COMPETE, it's not like x number of spots are handed out to people who have less money to buy new HW. Skill is not related to cost of the HW, so when you make some sort of qualifier you can just as well use low end parts available to the masses.
  18. Sometimes it's a good idea, but in a 100% gender independant sport like this it just looks silly. If we want more females, we need to make them start benching instead of giving away free tickets to the few who bench.
  19. Ticket ID: 1131 Priority: Low http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K10/AMD-Athlon%20II%20160u%20-%20AD160UEAK13GQ.html
  20. Ticket ID: 1130 Priority: Low http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K10/AMD-Athlon%20II%20170u%20-%20AD170UEAK13GM.html
  21. IMO skill is everything, you're not better than the results you get It's not so strange that when there are few female OC'ers in general, then few will compete at live events. Get more of them to overclock, and more will qualify for events. There's no reason why gender should mean anything in this game, just like shooting sport (or whatever that's called) and chess.
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