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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. Ticket ID: 1046 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1405434
  2. If only scores that are possibly bugged are reported, result mods will end up doig more useful thing than checking old scores that are normal for the clocks:)
  3. Ticket ID: 1027 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1390628\r\n\r\nDefault voltage is 1.15v, so this is the e version
  4. Ticket ID: 1026 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1390585\r\n\r\n2.5GHz stock, used 12 multi for some reason...
  5. Ticket ID: 1025 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1390573
  6. Sure you can, but I can't see how that's going to make you pwn the rankings, if you remove a subtest a card can run, you'll end up with a serious disadvantage vs. the other benchers.
  7. If the cards weren't meant to be benched, why are there rankings for them at all? dx9 only cards don't have vantage rankings as they don't support dx10. Then these old cards should have all benchmarks disabled. I can't really see the harm in letting people bench these cards in 16bit mode or whatever. Rules are rules, but common sense counts as well. Who has a disadvantage if these cards get an exception to the 01 rules? I think no-one...
  8. If two guys bench 2D together with a dual socket setup, and each person owns one of the chips, scores can't be posted in both accounts, only in one. Same goes for 3D.
  9. I think it has been discussed before, and the conclusion was "no boints", but personally I feel it's an OK exception to make, as these cards won't interfere with the global ranks at all:) It's just some fun with ancient video cards.
  10. But it's also got lower default vGPU - which could mean the core is better binned than on the others. In total, you can compete. Maybe you need to do a BIOS mod or a hardmod, I dunno... We can't add categories for every custom card with more/less phases - it would flood the database with more models, for very little reason. You'd get 3-4 times as many categories as we have now.
  11. Ticket ID: 1012 Priority: Low http://hwbot.org/community/submission/997533_danutzuac_3dmark_2001_geforce_8500_gt_gddr3_44621_marks\r\n\r\nFound this while I was looking through the categories, seems to benefit a fair bit from the extra shaders.
  12. Ticket ID: 1011 Priority: Low http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150268\r\n\r\nI have the card myself, but I removed the cooler from it so I can\'t show a GPUZ screenie I was thinking I had a really bad optimization, but after a while I had to see what was up... and then I saw it\'s only 64bit
  13. Let's not forget that we are humans, and we do mistakes - just like anyone else.
  14. Looks OK to me as well... I don't like that CPUZ changes it's name based on the # of cores:o
  15. You don't really define the pros here, the way it looks is that the "pro" category is just the same as amateur, except that you're getting better scores perhaps - or "too much" sponsorship compared to the amateurs. The ES stuff is also a tiny bit flawed, as I buy ES chips on ebay, and I qualify for both amateur and "everyone else" because of that (buying means I'm not sponsored).
  16. I remember I benched a 3500+ Clawhammer a while ago, and he had some scores in that category... Wasn't too funny trying to beat him.
  17. It's there, you just have to add .php after show_oc in the link
  18. Negative real memory? I think we have a cheater here:D
  19. Sorry to inform you that it's the 5970 cf category you have to put it in. I agree that 5870 trifire is a better choice, but the rules say no to that.
  20. It's the nature of the benchmark, better CPU => better GPU performance. Maybe Unigine heaven is more GPU bound? I haven't tried it, so I can't tell.
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