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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. If we need turbo modes to be represented in the specs, we should add the other speeds, not replace the actual stock speed.
  2. IMO the "stock speed" is the speed you get when you use the resources the CPU has to offer, and that means loading all cores. If you get that frequency then, use it as stock. You could also have two stock speeds, separated with a "/" or something...
  3. I don't think it's time to change the whole system, but to add new rankings is OK:)
  4. Well, what sort of CPU clock limitations should we use? IMO it should be fairly difficult to get above it on air/water, otherwise it would be a pure tweaking contest (or downlocking contest, if you wish...) and even though it's fun, is it what we want? For Wolfdale I'd sya 5GHz is the lowest limit we should have, alot of good chips can do that. Maybe 4.5GHz for Nehalem/Gulftown, or is that too low?
  5. But... it's the wrong category, it says x2 5000+ BE (aka Black Edition). The X2 5000B-model is a "Business class" chip. I'll move the scores to the BE category.
  6. Ticket ID: 987 Priority: Low http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_x1800_le\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_hd_2900_gt_512_mb\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_hd_2900_xl\r\n\r\nI think these have been empty for a long time, better to just re-add them later if someone requests them.
  7. AndreYang sold his chip as he was banned from HWbot...? I'd say that's possible. Then maybe he was allowed to bench 01 to post at KPcooling. I know you guys could be right, I'm just saying there are other possibilities.
  8. I can't see why Andre should get a lifetime ban when we don't have any other proof than a good chip similar to the one he has in the hands of a different ASUS employee. Anyone can get a R3E, and if they both work for ASUS it's not so weird they have the same, unreleased(?) BIOS. If this is all it takes to ban someone for HW sharing, then alot of guys will be banned - most of them without doing ANYTHING wrong. The reason I defend him is because this is a stupid witchhunt based on nothing except assumptions, no hard evidence.
  9. ...and what makes you so sure? The only similarity I can spot (except for the quality of the CPU used), is that the board used is a R3E.
  10. It's certainly possible, but so is the following scenario too: ASUS + Andre found a few golden chips, Andre shows jtchen how to bench these CPUs. It would be awesome if we knew for sure, but we don't - even if it looks a little too good to be true with the quality of the chip and the timing. If you all feel upset by this, here some advice that works with companies: boycot their products!
  11. Well, a screenshot should be readable to count as proof. But maybe there is some thumbnail function that kicks in? I thiiiiiink I had an issue like that a long time ago, but can't remember the exact solution... I think Massman or Rich would know.
  12. Ticket ID: 985 Priority: Low http://hwbot.org/community/submission/817885_kaptan54_aquamark_radeon_x1050_34590_marks\r\n\r\nThis is the 64bit version, seems quite alot less powerful than the 128bit which seems to be more common...
  13. The older ones are still valid, but will be changed to xx.999s if no milliseconds are shown. You have to report them manually, as they will not be chanhed automatically. However, if you feel like digging into the ranks - please don't report 0.1-boint scores, they don't affect the rankings much:p
  14. Just a quick reminder: there are cups to get, too... lots of prestige there. If you're 2 boints behind a guy in 3dmark01, you've actually shown thatyour skill is very, very close to the guy who is in your front - so your reward for putting up a very good score should show that it's close. But it's also not the best score, it got beaten, so it will only get a silver cup.
  15. Usually Turrican doesn't add cards like these, but since this is a 64bit version I think it's necessary,
  16. Rounding fail. I'm sure this will besolved in some way, but we need MSI to say it's OK to add more decimals, or change the "rounding method".
  17. but... if there was such a ranking i would certainly fight for some cups there as well, even if it's just mainstream cooling. And I use Ln2 alot:p
  18. knopflerbruce

    i7 990x

    Slightly better binning, perhaps?
  19. It's also possible to use other, similar HW to determine the "quality" of the results in not-so-heavily benched categories. For example... when 990x comes out, you can use 980x scores in the beginning. I guess this would be complicated, but in theory it's a much better idea than to just look at the ranks when rewarding a score with boints. We already have the new CPU on older GPU "problem", but I doubt it'll be much worse if you use the average. If there are more boints to get, then more people will bench with the new CPUs, and then the average result gets better. Maybe it would suck for those who used older gear, but I really doubt they get much boints today anyway...
  20. I like the idea, if you beat a guy by 200 boints you show more skill than if you beat him by 20. My old suggestion was to look at the average score, and give points based on how good your score is compared to that one. That would reward skill, and not just give points based on the rank. Besides... if you're #1 you get a gold cup, that counts alot too.
  21. Sure, but you must put it in the 5870 category (2x 5870 if you bench with two video cards).
  22. Ticket ID: 981 Priority: Low FX64 and an AMD Le-1640 Lima core, FX64 is like FX62 but 3GHz stock, and LE-1640 is like LE-1660, but runs at 2.7GHz stock and has 512kb cache. You may want to relabel the old one to lE-1640 Orleans while you\\\'re at it, and call this one LE-1640 Lima
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