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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. Just a quick reminder... some of you assume all ebay engineering samples are rejects from other guys - what about proving that? Unless that's true, there is no reason to say stuff like "you can't het lucky with an ES nymore". You can't know until you've actually bought and binned them yourself;)
  2. Let's not discuss specific names before anything is decided;) Also, it doesn't help if you are sponsored NOW, but for some reason not when/if the pro league starts. About the team boints... you can always have some sort of "lack of boints compensation" so the team total doesn't go down.
  3. There are other stuff than ceramique around, right? IHS's may be good enough TODAY, but maybe not when the next generation chips are available. In the AMD days people used to lap their chip all the time, and I believe a fair share did it with the wolfdales as well. So why not in the future? Personally I'm not against changes, but all these weird ideas create new problems - which means the improvement is limited. I shouldn't have to keep 450 boxes in case someone wants to check that I bought a retail. IT'S INSANE! I have no clue if ceramique does, but there are other types people use... if something does it, then we should say "no, that thermal paste is banned from HWBot"? Next step asking people to give some sort of GPS tracking so we know they haven't visited any manufacturers to handpick samples?
  4. I have 450 CPUs or something, and not one damn box. I'm not sure I'm alone or not in my way of buying stuff, but I get alot of parts from ebay, and to reduce shipping costs I always ask people to throw away the boxes, as I really don't need them at all. Sometimes I even buy stuff where the original owner threw it away. Yes, retails have boxes, but women throw them away if they manage to get into your house:o The guys with infinite cash and a bad IHS can lap an expensive chip without worrying too much. Creating a rule that doesn't allow one to squeeze out the maximum of the chip is as far away from the whole point behind overclocking as you can get:D Plus, if you really want an RMA, you buy another chip, remove the IHS, and RMA the old chip with the new IHS glued onto the core:p You've also got some thermal stuff that makes the heatspreaders unreadable, don't you? Thermal grease limitation? Hmmmmm....
  5. IHS can be lapped. Plus, it's not like you always have a video camera around when you're benching... and where do we set the limit? You say 6.7, why 6.7 in particular?
  6. While Gulftown was under NDA you could submit, but they wouldn't receive boints until the NDA was lifted. I believe the same will happen with future releases as well, unless massman has a bright idea that's even better.
  7. Ticket ID: 910 Priority: High With the rekease of the 555 BE, the 550 C3 rev. is now locked. We need a split ASAP before there are even more scores that need to be moved I suggest creating the non-BE category, and relabeling the old category to BE.\r\n\r\nPS: one other thing i noticed... Opteron 864 and 866 are both 90nm dual cores. FYI.
  8. There's one more thing i dont like about BANNING engineering samples... this is the biggest overclocking database around. If a CPU exist, it's against ANY common sense to say "sorry, that chip doesn't belong here". Sure it does. It's a CPU, that's enough. What to do with it is more up for discussion - removing ES submissions from the database is like a CPU holocaust... my .02.
  9. What he means is that the people who use ES chips would've used retails if there were no A0 samples here. Your model removes the boints achieved by engineering samples, but does not take into account the boints these guys would get if they binned retails instead.
  10. And when nothing happened then, and several years after, doesn't that mean that everything was fine about ES chips being used?
  11. No, there was no discussion when most people bought their chips, and DEFINATELY no words from the guys who actually have the power to change the rules. Lots of athletes have custom made gear that you can't really buy in a retail store, no complaints there... drugs = mipmap and other cheats, not the equipment itself... The crazy engineering samples came before the retails, so whoever bought a retail had the chance to know about the A0 mania before they purchased... big difference there. Plus, "worthless" is hard to define. You can get 20-30 boints for retails, no problem at all (unless you pick a dud, which is not our problem...) - whereas banning a CPU means ZERO boints. Maybe we should start making people sign some papers before they join, where they're not permitted to abuse RMA policies either (which I'm sure 99% of the more serious guys do regularly, gear ran above specs = warranty void). Plus, Intel have the power to stop the sellers, but they don't. It's clear that they don't care. If they don't, why should we? That note on the site means very little when they use NO resources whatsoever to actually limit the number of chips in circulation.
  12. The difference between tweaks that we say are illegal is that the tweaks are free, and usually that sort of things are handled really quickly. I bet users here have spent hundreds of thousands on engineering samples in total, to come and say "no, sorry, you can't use them after all" would be the worst decision I can think of. Plus, we don't have the money to pay these guys for their chips, which is the only fair compensation in that situation... do you?
  13. This site is based in Belgium, so I guess it's Belgian laws that are valid(?) We all know there have been some ridiculous lawsuits in the USA (cat in microwave etc), but if those laws are not valid in this league, I don't think we really need any sort of disclaimer Usually there is some text in the BIOS as well, which says that if you overclock you risk killing your parts. Isn't that enough anyways?
  14. Indeed it has, but I don't have infinite cash The board I used was only borrowed at the time, but I have traded it vs an old Gigabyte. When the deal comes through I will bench more, maybe even with a thermos so I can control temps better. I WILL run some 01 then, too. But not on any newer GPU, probably some 7 series stuff.
  15. I'm thinking about those who don't have one there are a LOT of boints to get more or less for free once you have a 6.5+++ capable 01/03-chip. And I won't run it on a cascade, I pour:D (OT: did you ever test your chip on LN2?)
  16. Just wondering... how many users bench with A0 chips? I think it's a fair bit of the ones who actually have a reason to care about this issue (mr x at 140th place globally can easily improve his rank by binning retails, for example). If some of those guys say say they want retails only, the reason is obvious: they didn't get the golden A0, and now there are very few good ones left as these chips die easily. ...and changing the rules mid-game is the most unfair of all things we can do. I have no clue about future released and how those engineering samples will perform vs retails, but I hope this whole A0 thing doesn't happen again. No matter how we solve this, people will get angry:battle:
  17. I must say I'm wondering what the 6 guys in front of me in the HW masters rank will say when I start benching 01 and 03 on that chip (i have plenty of GPUs around here, but no budget to buy Tek 9's or whatever). But if it's allowed, it's allowed. If it wasn't, I wouldn't spend $500 for two of these.
  18. I'll give it a shot with my UTT sticks as well as my TCCDs:D
  19. The only REAL argument that I can see is that they're not 980x engineering samples, and therefore not a released model. (980x runs at 3.33Ghz stock, the unlocked A0's are 2.4 and 3.07GHz by default). However, the rules are about NDA and not whether they're officially released or not.
  20. You can do a poll, but it won't affect anything, as we don't know if being jealous or whatever other "stupid" reasons there may be for people to vote no. Not saying there aren't any good explanatons, but this smells like the ones who dont have a golden one will vote no just because they dont have one;)
  21. TY. The exam will be OK, I need more luck for my new TCCD-kit:p
  22. In other words... I need some LN2 if i want to compete:D My exams are over soon, and I got a nice TCCD kit in the mail a few days ago - maybe I can get a decent score at least for DDR.
  23. I think I fixed all now, but please use the report button instead of posting threads
  24. You can always lap the IHS, too. In fact, that's pretty common - at least for CPUs that are not so expensive. But i bet it happens with 980x chips as well.
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