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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. For general hwbot submissions it's not a problem, just this competition had some extra rules, if you compare the stage rules to the normal benchmark rules hopefully it's clear. For next time, you could post about it and hopefully someone may have a solution, or if it cannot be avoided then rules can change etc
  2. Everybody chill Sandbagging is part of 'the game' I don't like it but its not against the rules. Went through Sky Diver this morning, mostly good scores, couple of invalid links/missing CPUz tabs Will try to go through the rest later today/tomorrow.
  3. Congrats all who took part, will be trying to go through subs over the next couple of days to get a final ranking
  4. Sorry to hear about the chip, but still great work!
  5. Well someone needs to sub something from the long awaited cards.
  6. Apologies, Still new to the admin site, as you can see: I put the SDRAM rule, but it only appears on this page and not nicely formatted: http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/gosc_r2/rules I've since added it to another page, so it now appears on each of the stages.
  7. Look forward to seeing what you manage, can't wait to get back into it myself
  8. Using the search this is a link showing all of your scores worth global points (0.1 or more) https://hwbot.org/search/submissions/permalink?applicationId=&scoreOperator=more_or_equal&score=&username=techjesse&regionCode=&countryId=&teamId=&glPointsOperator=more_or_equal&glPoints=0.1&hwPointsOperator=more_or_equal&hwPoints=&compPointsOperator=more_or_equal&compPoints=&globalTeamPowerPointsOperator=more_or_equal&globalTeamPowerPoints=&hardwareTeamPowerPointsOperator=more_or_equal&hardwareTeamPowerPoints=&totalPointsOperator=more_or_equal&totalPoints=&league=&globalRankOperator=less_or_equal&globalRank=&hardwareRankOperator=less_or_equal&hardwareRank=&cpu=&cpuId=&cpuSubFamily=&cpuSubFamilyId=&cpuFamily=&cpuFamilyId=&cpuBatch=&cpuBatchId=&cpuFreqOperator=less_or_equal&cpuFreq=&numberOfProcessors=&cpuSocketId=&cpuCoolingId=&gpu=&gpuId=&gpuFamily=&gpuFamilyId=&gpuBatch=&gpuBatchId=&gpuCoreFreqOperator=more_or_equal&gpuCoreFreq=&gpuShaderFreqOperator=more_or_equal&gpuShaderFreq=&gpuMemFreqOperator=more_or_equal&gpuMemFreq=&numberOfVideocards=&gpuSocketId=&gpuCoolingId=&mbModel=&mbModelId=&mbChipset=&mbChipsetId=&mbManufacturer=&mbManufacturerId=&mbChipsetBatch=&mbChipsetBatchId=&mbCoolingId=&memType=&memTypeId=&memProduct=&memProductId=&memManufacturer=&memManufacturerId=&memBatch=&memBatchId=&memFreqOperator=more_or_equal&memFreq=&memTCasOperator=more_or_equal&memTCas=&memCoolingId=&psuWattOperator=more_or_equal&psuWatt=&psuProduct=&psuProductId=&psuManufacturer=&psuManufacturerId=&diskCapacityOperator=more_or_equal&diskCapacity=&diskProduct=&diskProductId=&diskManufacturer=&diskManufacturerId=&dateAfter=&dateBefore=&_bestHardware=on&orderBy=score&limit=20&_imageAttached=on&_videoAttached=on&_reported=on&state=&offset=0 I don't have time at the moment, but feel free to go through them all and check to see if they add up to 150.5. Changing team should have no affect on your individual points.
  9. What's the issue? From a quick look that sub seems to have the same amount of globals as those around it?
  10. I would assume it was a mistake, and rather than editing he resubbed, it seems a lot of people miss the edit button. Either way it's gone now
  11. Nice one, how many chips before you found this one?
  12. Locked for now. PM me with any updates.
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