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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. GPUPI seems to have categories for 1-8, 3.3 only 1-4. Now that the number of cpu core categories has shot up, possible that for GPUPI the number of gpus can be increased as well, or possibly a 1-X and then X+ type category system.
  2. I believe the way it works is it's actually a 4+ category. So it is working as intended so to speak, whether it should work like that is a different kettle of fish.
  3. @richba5tard has sorted it, so you should be able to enter 3DM11 Entry GPU score, and Sky Diver GPU score, then both heaven and 06 as normal. Apologies for the bumpy ride, but hopefully it'll smooth out from now on
  4. Was my first time setting a comp from scratch so that led to some mistakes. I didn't bother stating a monitoring tool because I didn't think I needed to as people should just be able to follow the rules, but if people want/need more structure then that's what'll happen. There's no real cost to running hwinfo as far as I'm aware, so may as well make it needed for all submissions, Leeg has just updated the OP. As Leeg said, I'm sorry for being slow on this, and I've also no issues extending it, @superpatodonaldo mentioned the fact the rules currently don't allow for disabled cores so I've changed that now.
  5. Challengers were run with hwinfo/hwmonitor, I'd go for one or the other to avoid any decimal point issues. Yes people can cheat, people have always been able to cheat and they always will be able to cheat, but hwbot has survived so far and I don't think this comp will change that Happy to go with hwinfo as @Leeghoofd suggested.
  6. Yeah since disabling cores is allowed it's a free for all on CPU as far as I'm concerned, just run the bench at 4c and <5003mhz.
  7. You may need a bigger maxmem I think?
  8. Apologies all PM me if there are issues, it's too easy to miss/ignore a tag ?
  9. I don't see any problems here, nice work George (other than the lack of rig pic, all subzero results should have a rig pic in my opinion :D)
  10. Ok so go GPU score and just disable points maybe that might stop any issues with the standard hwbot ranking. Also disabling cores is fine, seems like it would increase participation so all good Have edited the OP. People happy now?
  11. Have added the background and modified the rules so hopefully there won't be issues submitting anymore.
  12. It was released as an update to GPUPI, but had a huge performance increase making all previous results basically pointless, and so it was decided to keep it separate, and wait until GPUPI v4 is out where I believe it would be combined (so v3.3+). Blame Mat for releasing software with such big differences in performance between versions hah.
  13. Apologies I'll have a look at this tonight
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