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Everything posted by Splave

  1. yes and give is 200 points, see who wants run ln2 that long
  2. thanks for the confirmation so no butts are hurt
  3. Any ruling on this. Probs should know by the 4th ??
  4. Idk, its kind of fun to bench it both ways. Feels HEDTish one way and mainstream the other. We do still try to have fun here right
  5. roman will pop in im sure, but he told me its because the entry system is so broken that 8+8 is not possible atm so rather than not have any 12900k submissions that we will use both 8c and 16c and hope for the best for now. it's not for intel marketing I assure you since 16c category 5950x is ahem still pretty strong with its extra threads
  6. its back to being broken https://hwbot.org/benchmark/superpi_-_32m/rankings?start=0#start=0#interval=20
  7. why not leave the gracemont cores on and OC them also
  8. it does work yes especially in a sealed chamber Elmor also did something similar for computex with a chiller I believe. IMO its just easier to throw down some liquid tape or artist eraser or use a heater.
  9. https://hwbot.org/benchmark/superpi_-_32m/rankings?start=12#start=0#interval=20 Is this right? XD
  10. RTL too tight maybe? Some sub timings are different also. I wouldnt use geekbench3 memory multicore without all the cores to be that accurate, as you can see the single thread is higher on gigabyte at those settings.
  11. I have been just using photoshop for years myself, havent gotten caught yet #1 baby! Honestly I think its interesting to see some names that used to be in the top 10 that arent even in the top 20 anymore coinciding around the advent of benchmate. Curious indeed.
  12. so assuming we will see probably 8 p core base for a long time with more and more E cores, Im fine with 8+8 category 8+12 8+16 etc in the future. we have never considered ht in the equation for categories so no point in starting now.
  13. -170c is fine, need to try on z490/z170 I think this mobo has pcie Gen bug 1.1. GTX 260 showed same.
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