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Everything posted by Splave

  1. Russian mafia also pmd me
  2. shipping to USA is fine just received package from luumi safe and sound if you were a concerned USA buyer
  3. Time to call caseking
  4. Panels and I-ram gone Mem lowered
  5. fixed wrong kit thanks
  6. Sorry international shipping is expensive. Will cost me $30 just to mail in small box hence the USA shipping so much cheaper ($6.00) GSKILL Samsung DDR4 4x4GB from $50 USA $70 International
  7. gone thanks for the space
  8. would it bend, if you say.....hit a judge over the head with it? concerned for the staffs safety
  9. der8auer posting hacks wTf?
  10. lowered
  11. This looks fun in for one!
  12. So then if I can sit long enough and it drops to 5002.9 then it's legit? I guess this is the real question. Xa I wasn't making an example out of you on purpose.
  13. You are so right, I've never seen an Asus result over 5003.... Or with high cache... But just keep seeing what you want to see, you're good like that.
  14. hacked again sick of looking at these
  15. It never has been the only brand that doesn't fluctuate. How about any asus result over 100.0 is cheat since they dont have 100.0625 step? Do you wonder why asrock and giga can do 742+ because the bclk is so stable at 102.9** makes you wonder doesnt it? was just trying to fix it so it can be fun again, not pointing fingers at vendors, then called a cheat which is lol worthy. Guess I will just be like everyone else and stop trying have fun. /thread
  16. LOL Golden, is that why everyone sucks all out and they are kings at 32m LCC? If Im such a cheat why would I want to fix it and not just cheat harder? Maybe its since I have nothing to sell by being #1.
  17. I wouldn't mind a wrapper since it would hurt everyone's efficiency equally. Good points being made
  18. This has been bothering me and a few others I know for a while now, to the point Im not even benching 32m at the moment which if you know me is strange. 5ghz Low clock challenge has always been fun for some, and its also been a nice playground for freezing memory and learning some new things. With the advent of B-die and skylake everything has changed. Best ICs win, no wiggle room. There are 6-8 timings that really do anything to effect time, and most boards have them set in a profile anyways. You dont need ln2, you just need a fat wallet to play. Now to the real point. If you are in the top 10 of 32m currently you know what is going on. 5002.9 is just for screens. Hold down print screen while you are at 5009 and voila 5002.9 will pop up eventually. (takes a long time if you want the cache to match) 100.187,100.125,100.067. Why dont we make 100.000 the max? There must be a way to level the field because its getting out of hand. 5GHZ 32m LCC is turning into XTU where we are hoping for the longest amount of time the CPU is over the limit with BCLK fluctuation. There arent lucky runs, there are runs that the real freq is 5007 for longer than it is 5002. Thats the real "lucky" run. Videos dont work and people wont do that, OC panels and trickery can easily be done still. BCLK raising under load can also be implemented by board manufacturers so the end of a video will show correctly in CPUZ frequency. So what is my answer? Kill it for now, there are no way to verify any result unless ney flys to everyone's house and breathes down the neck while it runs. In the future maybe some sort of watch dog timer can be developed. These are just my feelings and I figure I would share them instead of being pissy about them behind the scenes.
  19. underpriced imo
  20. Ninja gone price hacked on avexir
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