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Everything posted by BenchZowner

  1. I have some old validations that have been... forgotten CPUz db says, a screenshot of the validated page online is what I take after uploading the validation file nowadays. You never know what's going to happen. Truth of course is, a screenshot proves nothing, same applies for lets say having a screenshot with CPUz open and a Pi1M run to show that your CPU can run at that frequency, but both can be manipulated by software, same applies for online validation on CPU-z. Take screenshots it can't be bad, but after all, everything is down to trust.
  2. I thought it worked just fine with 0603 as well ( the xtreme tweaking option )
  3. 0603 also has the extreme tweaking option
  4. The files are very different. Could be a BIOS from another mobo. Could also be 0604. I can't check right now if it's for the Gene-Z or not.
  5. Since you're listing even small local events ( not saying that it's bad, just pointing out, that some events can/will be small ), let me add another local event. September ( probably around the 15th ), BattleNet Extreme Overclocking Event Sep. 2011 @ Pefkakia, Athens ( Greece )
  6. Core i7 2600K - L116B960 #4852: Lovely chip. 56x multi with HT & all cores activated. Runs everything at 5864MHz ( 104.7MHz x 56 ) with all cores & hyperthreading enabled with just 1.635V for 4c8t and 1.6V for 4c4t. Coldbug and coldboot, don't know, didn't try, had no torch here. Benched fine at -50C to -60C, and would cold boot at those temps as well. BCLK surely not maxed out, that's with auto skews & drive strengths. 1.12V VID if I recall correctly. Some scores: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2198564_benchzowner_wprime_32m_core_i7_2600k_4sec_109ms http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2198560_benchzowner_superpi_32m_core_i7_2600k_5min_50sec_63ms http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2198565_benchzowner_3dmark2001_se_geforce_gtx_480_127973_marks
  7. dude, the screenshot application, change that POS.
  8. Thanks Goddy. Not a bad chip for a lucky draw. I'll have to test my RAMs on the gene-z this week, see what they can do, and then LN2 again to get the optimum clocks to tweak along
  9. I'd be more than satisfied with just a CPU clock column. Plus, if you know your stuff, you can very simply make a very educated guess on what model of CPU has been used
  10. I would also like to have a CPU clock column in the rankings of all VGA benchmarks.
  11. He will be He needs to find a decent VGA, and pretest his RAMs thoroughly on the gene-z for a proper bench session.
  12. It ain't bad. It's the second time that I get a decent chip, first time was my 3005F210 980X that lasted only 1 pre-testing LN2 session ( 12lt LN2 )... next time it wouldn't bench Vantage not even at 5GHz Hopefully this chip will last for at least 5-10 sessions, pretty please ?!
  13. CPU #1: L044B694 51x Max multi 5188MHz max benchable @ u120e CPU #2: L044B694 53x Max multi 5300MHz max benchable @ u120e I see a trend with those crappy L044B694's
  14. :D :D :D :D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D L116B960 @ Icy water ( pot temp = 7C ) Pi1m & 3d2k1 nature done ( core temps above 25C during run for sure, pot temp rose up to 17C )
  15. BUG sorry if mentioned before, dunno: My Profile page, My Submissions... 3D Mark 2001SE = none ( while I have 3 or 4 scores uploaded ) 3D Mark Vantage - Performance, shows 2, while I have at least 4.
  16. I have a 12c24t SB-E... it clocks up to 5GHz on air. AES-NI works, SSE3 works fine, Turbo works fine on the eVGA 666 FTW, but not on the Asus Roflage IV Extreme White Edition. Here's a pi 32M screenshot, there's the CPU-z CPU tab window, the CPU-z memory tab window, and the CPU-z mobo window. Wait, what ? What about the superpi window ? You don't need it, I told you it did 32M at those clocks. Who cares about the score. Feel free to flame me for the ironic post, but these kind of "posts" are nearly as valuable as the infamous "unboxing videos" are. Soooooooooo much win!
  17. LOL How old were you when you started that run and how old when it ended ?
  18. L044B676 ( 2197 i think )... 52x max multi... ~ 102MHz BCLK @ 52x multi...
  19. Bingo! If the benchmark has a validation system, then every result should carry a validation. Purchasing the benchmarks is a blah blah blah answer, because 50$ is just a mere quantity of what people spend on hardware each year.
  20. Definitely not browser related.
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