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Everything posted by Strunkenbold

  1. Prescott works on P35 Giga. Tried Northwood and s479 too but no go. Tried P5E3 Deluxe and some low end nvidia asus board, but hang on the bootscreen. I think I tried some Asrock boards too but no go.
  2. Same for me, hangs on boot screen. This just happens on any other board I tested. Thought you fixed that somehow...
  3. Another half year passed. Nothing happend. Any update here? about gpu shark, gpu caps viewer: Those tools have just the same problems like GPU-Z they dont run on win98 and fail to detect those old cards.
  4. Added task for this, internally.
  5. Poked Massman again for this...
  6. Very cool, never thought that this would happen.
  7. I told Massman, he is aware of this.
  8. Its time for massman to clear things up. For me its 13th November 2009 https://web.archive.org/web/20110303221123/http://hwbot.org/article/guides/rules The problem is in general too many old subs with not enough verification making it hard to decide in wich category they belong.
  9. Well you still had to show somewhere witch GPU you use. I dont see any program doing this.
  10. All fixed. Really I dont understand we people want to compete with their i7 6700k in a mobile category. I mean this should be common sense.
  11. Please dont move this anymore to 64bit category, I think you did this already twice. This is 128bit Variant. GPU-Z is bugged and reports for all cards 64bit. For correct info check AIDA. In GPU-Z: DDR = 64bit SDR = 128bit
  12. Hate those stuff. No informations available. Please report back if something isnt alright. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/mobile_radeon_r5_graphics_beema/ http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/mobile_radeon_r4_graphics_beema/
  13. Wrong link? I would guess its this: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/rc410-m_(asterope)/ http://www.ascendtech.us/hp-compaq-asterope3-gl8e-motherboard_i_mb4hpasterope3.aspx
  14. Seems there was a mistake in db, fixed now: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/i855gmem-lfs/
  15. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/945g_neo-f_(ms-7176)/
  16. Well I have to admit that Im about to reorganize this problematic categorys and Im not yet done. (not even close to it) Things are very problematic because it doesnt matter if x1300 or x1550 for GPU-Z its the same. I think about adding that X1300 DDR2 category. Those 450Mhz Core clock make sense. BUT it isnt on http://www.techpowerup.com/gpudb/ so maybe they are wrong or not complete or GPU-Z reports DDR as DDR2. For now, you could do me a favor and move your results to the X1550 DDR2 64bit category, as all of those subs have 450Mhz core clock and I will simply rename category once I verify X1300 with DDR2 do really exists. Maybe you could check with another tool like AIDA and verify that those cards are really X1300s and equipped with DDR2.
  17. If you want to know, which card you really have use something like AIDA64. GPU-Z is really bad in this connection as it only reads out GL Driver String.
  18. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/e1_6015/ The GPU is misidentified by GPU-Z, wrote a mail to them, hope they will fix soon. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_r2_graphics/
  19. how many more of theses? http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_9600_gso_gddr3_g94_128bit/
  20. This should be your card: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_x1550_rv516_ddr2_64bit/
  21. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/c847is-p33_(ms-7836)/
  22. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/h8qgl-if/
  23. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/athlon_ii_x4_650/
  24. http://hwbot.org/submit/competition/osibs_s2r3/
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