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Everything posted by Strunkenbold

  1. I just wanted to make you aware of that and on top of that share my personal opinion. As member of Awardfabrik we might be just a little more sensitive on this topic. But as staff had already decided anyway, I would say lets just open a beer and enjoy the holidays. I will do for sure (beer-wise).
  2. Old ES hardware is allowed for getting points in general. So this rule seems not to be that explicit ... Its just completely forbidden in competitions for no reason. Now imagine he didnt red the rules page back than because he was confident he made nothing illegal.... Doesnt that sound similar to you?
  3. This is probably just bugged. If you really unlocked your cpu, you could atleast raise multi to 19x or 20x and show us some results. I dont think you need a ss for this small bump than.
  4. Probably the most of you dont remember anymore but we had a similar situation back in TeamCup 2012. After Competition ended someone reported a score from us. Till this moment we were 1st but than HWBot showed us how mean things can be. Short story: a teammate submitted a fb-dimm ram validation with an ES CPU. While we all agree that old ES hardware, especially in this specific case, had nothing to do with the score, it still got blocked. Now looking at this discussion, I wish we had someone back than who also said: I approve your result because the rule is in this specific case non sense. Just think about this and tell me its ok to make exceptions for some people and for some not. Im fine with any decision as I dont care who wins. And even if I know we won, because of some non sense bulls...., victory would have be a very bitter taste. This is just something about HWBots credibility.
  5. Sorry, this went just a little bit off topic. I was just a little bit shocked when I saw that the rules pages got updated. Cause I extra double checked it when I was about to submit a result with linux. Mandatory CPU-Z means no valid submission with those alternative OS's but I think everything is alright now. Maybe a little addition to the rules page about the relaxed CPU-Z handling would be useful.
  6. I think I dont need to tell you that but, there is no working verification method on Linux and Mac. I tried once running CPU-Z via wine but it failed. I even created a bug in their bugzilla but as you can see it wont give you much informations as long as it cant run the driver. So basically, demanding CPU-Z window on the ss means that you actually lock out all Linux and Mac users. They can submit but their results will be not valid. Wheres the sense then writing this bench for multi platform?
  7. Congrats Australia for winning CC! Who have thought that in the beginning? Go Germany, atleast for second place! Lets beat those Indonesians!
  8. Last I checked rules page CPU-Z verification wasnt needed. And that made sense as on Linux and Mac CPU-Z dont work.
  9. Wasnt the 430 coming from US? I smell conspiracy....
  10. Simply entered wrong section, should be HD 6430D2... edit: damn, roman was faster
  11. Take number one. Was zu Weihnachten gönnen.
  12. I cant imagine they cant fix a bug where some of _their_ cpus dont start with _their_ own application. You can even start and bench XTU with clarkdales, why shouldnt Sandy Bridge Celerons and Pentiums dont work? If you still need another log, I could provide one in the next couple of days...
  13. Ok sorry that wasnt clear to me, I really thought that after the disappearance of the buttons GPU-Z/CPU-Z isnt necessary anymore... Maybe you should make a big red line: "Results without GPU/CPU-Z arent valid" Exactly like my bios: http://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/137873/msi-hd7970-3072-130319.html Seems like very few cards from MSI use subsystem id 3000. Just look over what the lightnings use.
  14. I vote for including GPU and CPU-Z screens again, nothing again your approach but there are lot of results which got wrong detected cpu freq and gpu's. I see this especially with Intel HD cards. Also I have a problem where the wrapper detects my MSI 7970 as 7990. Or atleast, display the device id... This is with 2.52...
  15. GT4 is skyrocketing high, wonder does Catalyst 13.1 do all this goodness? Need to find some time to bench this card again.... Will be fun I guess.
  16. Links do not work for me, I always get an xml error...
  17. I guess you have to wait till Intel decides to make a new release. (...and hope that Massman had the same bug, which he reproduced, that you have)
  18. Great, thx for doin this. There is now an empty 82852 Integrated Graphics category left, should be deleted.
  19. This is just the latest P170HM stock bios flashed over my 150hm. I know there exists a mod bios with unlocked power management but I still didnt obtained it...
  20. All correct, just GMA 3600's chip should be SGX545 instead of SGX535. Thx for looking through all of these, doesnt it look pretty now?
  21. same here: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=85433
  22. worked, really great software btw...
  23. Same here, still only got 2.50.105 from download...
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