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Everything posted by Calathea

  1. I see your 569 fsb and raise one euro... erh, MHz. http://hwbot.org/submission/2566389
  2. great to see a good result here too! (also prime) seems XTU is only let down with this chip
  3. sorry flanker, chip sucks too much. Just wanted to show how it looks
  4. ^ Well... you don't need good cooling for idling at 5 GHz Which probably is the only thing Francois means. Sure doesn't look like we'll see 5 GHz 24/7 stable chips any time soon.
  5. Crappy chip, but decided to give it a go. Running 4500 MHz right now with watercooling straight on die. Maybe around 10°C cooler. Not much, but one experience richer
  6. Niiiiice! After the let down in XTU this is what I wanted to see
  7. wow what a chip you found! batch?
  8. Nice chip. Weird choice of mobo Isn't it holding back ram?
  9. Hi guys. Is there any downside using the HD4600 to display desktop when ocing on ln2? Will it affect max clock or stability, ram ocing? Running Maximus VI Impact, 4770k.
  10. doh haha. I will try for myself now, thanks.
  11. Tried it, looks really good. Very configurable, even text size and custom name for every sensor.. very good. Do you know if it's possible to move the osd overlay around? Right now its fixed to top right and looks a bit shitty with dual monitors (testing at work atm )
  12. Nice, thanks Ney Does it work good even with trial?
  13. That is over my head Genieben I'm no programmer. Thx for the idea though.
  14. Hi guys. Later this week I will do live ocing of ram and cpu for Team Xtreem local representative here in Sweden. I've done this once before with them and main problem is as always to get the crowd interested... We will use a big TV to show my desktop and I'm thinking of using some sort of magnifier or other program to highlight ram speed and more importantly make it easier to see. I'm just thinking very simple here, give people a number in MHz --> increase it and people will understand the basic of ovverclocking Does anyone know of an utlity that suits this description?
  15. sold and paid, can be moved.
  16. Sorry dude, I'll have to accept my defeat Your chip is kind of special. Out of 4 chips here only two did above 4,5 GHz. The two I bought on the market here was probably rejects, maxing out no more than 4,2 and 4,4 each
  17. Man, what NB volts are you running with these puny cpus? You can easily fix that corrupt bios by switching chip when its running. Or maybe REX have bios flash function like modern maximus boards, where you can transfer bios 1 to bios 2. Can't remember
  18. Nah I think you're right, fsb-walls still exist in same place.
  19. Oh man. When 1.47 is considered ok, I understand just how bad newer batches have turned I think it can be good. I usually test 32m at 4.5 or 5 GHz and consider a chip good if it requieres sub 1.15 and sub 1.35 respectively to be stable.
  20. Oh praise the lawd. Thought I'd ran out of time. I delided the semi-good one, let's see if it still lives
  21. Yes, 32M @ 600 PL8 2:3 CL6. Learnt to bench with 266 strap thanks to you Sam This is one example http://hwbot.org/submission/2338354_calathea_superpi___32m_core_2_e8400_(3.0ghz)_8min_59sec_969ms
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