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Everything posted by Calathea

  1. Have a nice day Kenny!
  2. Yep, if it's below say 60k I will switch it to a 100k VR instead. Thanks for the help. Edit: Just to update, the mod works! I can run the x4 9850BE 3400 MHz @ 1.43 vcore wprime 1024m, no ocp what so ever. Power draw at wall is 300 W and vrm reach 100 °C though... I think this is not advisable!
  3. Thanks CL3P20. Not really and easy mod then. What would happen if I only replace RSET with higher r? edit: in fact I think there is no resistor between ISEN 1,2,3,4+ and VCC.
  4. Halp guys! Boght this gem few days ago - ABIT AX78 AM2+. Being a 3+1 vrm it struggles real hard with Phenom quads, I get OCP shutdown over 3 ghz 1,5 vcore. I refuse to find another mobo - this will be OCP modded even if it so will end up frying both mobo and cpu! Vrm IC is ISL 6323 http://www.intersil.com/content/dam/Intersil/documents/isl6/isl6323.pdf
  5. Thanks for the effort Christian. I really liked the bench, so a revival in the future would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Team mate Gubben's DC chips on LN2: i7 4790k L418C134 6500 MHz max valid 2c/2t http://valid.canardpc.com/hbpt3u cb -120, 5 Ghz 32m air ca 1.33 volt IIRC Pentium G3258 314C011 6.2ghz max valid, strong imc over 4 GHz http://hwbot.org/submission/2620436_gubben_memory_clock_ddr3_sdram_2002.5_mhz 5 GHz 32m air around 1.43 volt All the cred to Gubben, by now he's probably a better overclocker than me At least I can help him with the english...
  7. You'd think MSI whom after all organizes MOA for us overclockers would know better, this is really pathethic. Well ok, it's a little bit funny too
  8. I guess we will try another divider. But this is legit, look at previous result http://valid.canardpc.com/svmhmd
  9. Pretty decent chip if done in room temp
  10. Oh you guys must see my team mate Gubben's place. I benched with him last week, it's a dedicated barn just for benching. Complete with two height adjustable tables, lots of work benches with chiller and SS, ... and in the room next door there's every possible machine for making mounting accesories in POM or other plastics. Really a heaven for an overclocker, if you like practicality in favor for finesse I took some pics when I was there, I'll upload them if Gubben is ok with it You? Owning small amount of hw?? You must have sold off tons of stuff.
  11. Hello Stummerwinter. Have not seen you on a while, had a break?
  12. Thanks for the info. Still seems like 4790k doesn't work like it should on ln2. Maybe Intel tuned it for air/water in some way...
  13. Kind of neat Very weird chip behaviour though compared to R15, had it been the other way around I'd understand.
  14. No it's the other way around - all Pentiums are Costa Rica made so far.
  15. Thanks for the update Massman. Just got rid of my last amd mobo and cpu, don't think I will miss them...
  16. Woah. Wooooah. This is something completely new, hynix and 5m 55?? Very impressive.
  17. Nice I benched a lot with bbse early on but had a lot of problems - it's not easy working with bbse... this is my best: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?286315-SuperPi32m-5GHz-amp-4GHz-Haswell-All-Out-Challenge!&p=5195524&viewfull=1#post5195524
  18. 2.5D lol I think latest gen graphics that Aqua really scaled with on multi card was HD5800.
  19. You are faster than me on 4770k haha. I need to get my shit together.
  20. Very impressive! With a little effort you can get almost as good as 4770k, that's awesome. But why only 4,3 GHz uncore?
  21. +1 for that Been holding off for more chips since both of my first pentiums sucked. Need batch
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