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Everything posted by Calathea

  1. Bought 2 pcs recently both sucked, L348B5xx something. One did not do pi 1m at 5 GHz at all, other one 1.5 v+. Air cooling 2c/2t.
  2. I had a brilliant bench session with my team mate today, but we couldn't get the card to work ok in XP Win 7 all the way.
  3. I'll try 980 strix in xp tomorrow with team mate Gubben, we have win 7 as backup
  4. Some of the results are run with clocks higher than 5 GHz.
  5. I too would like a longer test. Just you guys don't forget how powerful a 980 or 290 can be. Don't want to see 4h+ runs with something like a radeon 270x
  6. I barely even know what it means but was suprised when I saw HD4850 supported... HD5770 - NOPE. How do you think performance between quadro and geforce are? If it's anything like oclhashcat then there's virtually no difference...?
  7. Wow, my temporary pc with HD5770 lacks double precision lol. Maybe my quadro 4000 at work will do better.
  8. Hahaha such an awesome idea! I will try it out a lot, thx!
  9. That's not what I'm saying. I simply mean that it worked pretty good having a low clock challenge last time.
  10. Last time turned out ok, only very few cheaters remember? http://hwbot.org/competition/country_cup_2013/stage/1158_superpi_32m_low_clock_challenge
  11. Good luck with the benching Infra! A chiller is awesome for vgas.
  12. Really nice guide, I will try to apply it on my gigabyte 970.
  13. Sucks to be the guinea pig/early adopter some times In time I'm sure we'll see all Maxwell cards working ok in XP.
  14. Wow, nice clock on h20! Still a fun card to OC.
  15. Gigabyte g1. Something was very wrong, I got locked mem freq to 3000 MHz (1500) too, could not change.
  16. Hello. Tried xp with my 970 on ln2 today. Can't change clocks, especially memory. Driver is 344.11. Any fast tips before I run out of ln2?
  17. Oh wow, compare graphics score to mine, really weird how different the sub test are. http://hwbot.org/submission/2659034_calathea_3dmark11___performance_geforce_gtx_970_17698_marks/
  18. I think this is valid for all 4670 and 4770k alike Better go with refresh if you are on water or air.
  19. Nice cpu, nice gpu, nice cooling = nice result! Riktigt bra gubben
  20. Thx.
  21. Thanks for the overview Sof. I think GTX 970 is the most impressive of maxwell, relative low price and almost 780 Ti performance! Although, 980 seems more fun to OC. Can you explain how to bypass power limit?
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