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Everything posted by Calathea

  1. This can come in handy, thx!
  2. Not sure if...
  3. hypers on SS! Back in the days when tight timings still ruled... cool
  4. Jebus, dat vdimm. Really fast time, awesome
  5. Think I solved it. Ram was unstable, I blame bios/board, old X79 not really made for 2666 MHz. Noticed when I got CRC errors during big unzips, that's no good
  6. I'm a real SLI noob, believe it or not. I don't know 100% what you mean, but will take a look when I get home.
  7. *5099 MHz. Damn you henrik, I should report you for trying to look 1337 with your super efficiency!
  8. Hi guys. I've gotten kind of tired of 2d benching and are trying to make use of around 20 graphics cards I've collected in recent years. I started with 3 way SLI on GTX 260 - man these cards are dirt cheap now, even got one for free Trouble is, even with 2-way, my fps is barely increasing! At the start of the test I get good fps, then it drops like crazy in a fews seconds to almost-single-card level. Wth?? Platform is X79 Sabertooth, 4960x,4x4 dom platinum... 1000W psu in good condition. Tried driver 296.10 and the newest possible, same stuff. Tried 2 different bridges, nuthin. Load is good, both cards are loaded 80-100% during bench. Mostly tried 3dm06 but also vantage.
  9. yes, i7 920 beating 4770k seems legit. Come on! On the positive side though T.Rex, when you get the bug runs sorted, what a killer cpu!
  10. Congrats winner Greece, respect to Bulgaria! Happy to have participated in this good comp
  11. Good old vmod is most likely possible.
  12. Ah, I knew there would be an australian to beat my result some day Nice work, with that low ram clock.
  13. This works for HD7870 too and probably many other vga too. Cool way of softmod!
  14. Going all Enthusiast on team cup
  15. Ivanov, I've read the complete test but some of the translation is... funny (Ryba means fish lol? that made for some confusing sentences at start) Can you explain here how did you measure cpu temp?
  16. Wow yes, did not see this coming at all. Noctua on top?? Gelid extreme close to bottom in every temp... I think I've got a tube of the noctua paste at home, will give it a try on compressor.
  17. Always interesting, will read through. Thanks!
  18. It may be possible to hard mod via cutting power leg (or removing completely) on temperature monitor chip ADT 7473, at least it's working on the GTX 280.
  19. Lol Allens bird for luck? great result man, that chip/batch is legendary. Cool that it still lives!
  20. Ticket ID: 1926 Priority: Low New Kaveri based cpu \r\n\r\nhttp://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Bulldozer/AMD-Athlon%20II%20X4%20860K.html\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSpecs are final, not preliminary.
  21. VERY impressive. Good work!
  22. His reputation is at an all time low, http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=109616
  23. Razor blade. Never had any problem with this method, as long as you are very careful and let it take time it's easy. I've killed 1 delid 3770k and 1 delid 4770k though, but both was cracking the core after too many cooler mounts.
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