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Everything posted by Calathea

  1. Hey, Elmor needs cash for party! Honestly though, I think you can make any offer and Elmor will answer when he sees this.
  2. I don't know. Don't make me test it
  3. SOLD Up for sale is an ASUS Rampage Extreme s775 in very good condition. I've borrowed it for a long time from Elmor (since he first went to Taiwan and what not) but now he wants to sell. Note: Price is set by Elmor/Jon. Any questions about it better to PM Jon. Note 2: I will only handle the practical stuff since mobo is here. Note 3: May ship worldwide, I don't think it's a problem as long as buyer pays shipping. My comments: Good board that can make 600 fsb PL8 with ease. Handles Hyper 920+ MHz 6-6-5 no problem. Never run with LN2 in my care, only few times SS/water/air. NOT the same mobo as my 685 fsb all LN2 result. All accessories inluded EXCEPT SOUND CARD. Not a deal breaker maybe (I/O panel, oc-display, wb, air cooler all there). Price is 200 euro + shipping. If you want to make an offer please take it directly via Elmor for reasons. Paypal preferred.
  4. Well at least I think it's safe to say Commando couldn't max out this chip on LN2 http://hwbot.org/submission/2546874_
  5. Thx, it was a pretty lucky chip, bought only one for MOA 2013 qualifiers. This result is on cold water. ~4°C.
  6. Neat! Do you need pin mod to run that xeon?
  7. I may have bought a few more chips spent yesterday binning the rest of my 775-lot, mostly celeron 420 and 430.
  8. I'd rather not do ln2 for this since it's just for fun We both have pretty powerful SS right? Mine is 1 HP rotary benching unit from LD, -55 with celly for sure.
  9. Just a note, if you have not tested higher than 650 cl5, you can by no means "suspect" that they will do 700+. Many good 600 MHz cl4 D9's top out below 700 cl5
  10. May the VCore be forever in our favor! p.s. you can actually delid these chips. Smaaaall die, I tell you.
  11. Considering my chip did 4,6 on ln2... you set the bar really high But no problem, I'll show you what torturing a celeron really means.
  12. I really liked UCbench, opened up for more activity with interesting choices, clarkdale, wolfdale, even mobile cpus. A new benchmark which works 100% and is similiar to UCBench would be the best IMO.
  13. I will see If i can challenge you on my SS and chip The results under you is on ln2 but with ASUS Commando - no vpll change and honestly a crappy vrm should be hindering the performance... got X48 now
  14. I just can't see the point. For me Kabini is the least interesting release since... ever, really. Single channel only, high volts and really low clocks together with AMDs retarded CMT architecture. Someone enlighten me please
  15. Should be submitted under 3 cores active.
  16. Hmm, I'm not sure about P45+DDR3. I think it wasn't very good combo.
  17. I know rex is pretty rare now, but you seriously don't need it for prime?? Look for any asus/gigabyte P45 with decent vrm and you're ready for 600+ fsb. Old P965 might be ok for fsb but vrm is crap. At least that goes for my Commando
  18. good job, tweaking a quad to over 600 fsb is no childs play
  19. sick cpu! CB bios didn't help me either, -44 CB me too.
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